Hercule Poirot

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   It was a quiet November day in 1883, perhaps the quietest day the month had seen that year. And in a small, dim brown house in Belgium, a very quiet newborn lay before proud parents who had indeed only been parents about an hour. Andre and Jeanne Poirot were gazing at their son in wonder, but they would perhaps have looked at him more wonderingly if they had known what he would one day grow up to do in life.

"Look at him, Andre! So handsome. His teensy hands and feet! One could easily think he was French, or Greek! Yes, Greek, because he is just like a myth himself!" crooned the jubilant mother.

"Yes, but Jeanne, more important is that he isn't crying." the practical father responded.

"Andre, I know we were going to make him your namesake,  but because he looks so very Greek, let's name him something like those myths instead. Like Hercules! Please." begged the mother.

"No son of mine will be named Hercules. But we can modify it a bit. How about Hercule? That's French enough for you." Andre countered, tugging gently at his mustache.

"Alright." laughed Jean, shifting the pillows behind her. "But you complain enough about being mistaken as French. I hope you know it will probably happen to the baby with that name."

"If one of us has to suffer, we all might as well suffer." Andre said, definitively ending that conversation.

                                                            ***ONE YEAR LATER***

"Bon anniversaire, little one." Jeanne murmured to baby Poirot. "Although it can't be much of one, with us in England and your father- well- gone." she broke out into sobs, and little Hercule looked wonderingly at her, not yet knowing what his mother knew. For his father, Andre, had been murdered three months before by a stranger, and all they could find out was the murderer was a man. After that,  Jeanne had left Belgium with Poirot and gone to England, where she had an uncle in the countryside.

"Jeanne, no. Stop crying. It won't bring him back." protested a sympathetic voice (that of her uncle) from an armchair opposite. "You can stay with us as long as you need, but do not cry." When she continued to do so, her uncle stood up and guided her gently out the room.

"And we'll never know who did it. Never, never, never! That horrible man! Why did he have to murder Andre?" she shrieked, her body shaking with sobs as she was led away. Baby Poirot watched with solemn eyes, not fussing or crying. His mother was wrong, although of course she didn't know it yet. They would find out who did it. Or rather, Baby Poirot would find him - one day...


 "Oui, oui, Monsieur  Poirot!" the boys jeered, circling Poirot like a pack of wolves.

"I tell you already, I am Belgian." replied Poirot placidly. He had turned 13 two weeks ago, and was already being teased at his newly attended boarding school in London.

"Belgian, my foot. Have a biscuit!" a boy with sandy-blonde hair responded, holding out a tin tray of butter cookies.

"Come on, Hercule! Play some rugby with us, we'll stop teasing." a boy with dark hair and kind eyes promised.

"No thank you, Hastings. I believe I shall retire to the dormitory and read." Poirot replied primly. This was too much temptation for his classmates, who started again,

"Sissy! 'Fraid of a game of rugby, eh? Go back to your Mama in PAR-EE!" they exclaimed in horrible imitations of French accents saying Paris, jostling and throwing the football amongst themselves.

"NO! I am BELGIAN!" cried Poirot fiercely, dark eyes snapping with anger, his foot grinding the dirt underneath to fine dust.

"Ooohh, too bad he can't find his Papa." somebody crooned sarcastically.

"You'll never know who did it, never, NEVER! Too stupid, too STUPID!" they harassed, with smirking grins on their faces.


Sooo... hello everyone, I decided to take a small break from the fanfic because my inspiration is currently down the drain. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy these backstories and please comment if you have any specific characters you want written about!!! (Main characters typically have backstories so any cool side characters you want might be a bit more interesting...)

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2022 ⏰

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