Senpai (JJ)

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"Y/n! Wake up! It's time to go to school!!" I put my blanket over my head to block the light. "Aish, this kid!" Suddenly my pillow was snatched from my head. "Yah! Okay, I'm up! Now go away!" My brother finally left my groom and I got changed into my uniform. I darted to the kitchen and put a price of toast in my mouth then ran out the door. "Damn it! How could I be late again!" I mentally scolded myself. Suddenly I ran into someone and dropped my books. "Shoot!! I'm so sorry!" I said looking up. "Woah, he's..cute. Is he a foreigner?" I thought to myself. " Oh my gosh, are you okay!?" He hurried to look at my arm. Just then I noticed I scraped myself on the way down. " O-Oh yeah I'm fine, it's nothing." I said with an awkward smile. "Are you sure? The scrape looks pretty bad. Hey I see we go to the same school, let me take you to the nurse." He grabbed my hand and dragged me along with him. We got to the nurse and opened the door." Oh hello Justin. What happened?" She asked. "Oh hi Ms.Mikari, my friend got hurt on the way here." He said as he pulled me towards the nurse. I looked down in embarrassment."Oh Y/n! What happened sugar?" She asked, sounding very concerned. "Oh, uh it's nothing really just is it okay if I get a band-aid?" I asked. "Of course, it's in the first cabinet, I have to go on break kids, see you later!" She said, walking out. I started to open the band-aid but it got snatched from my hand. "Eh? Justin?" I looked up at him. "You have to clean it up first. Come here." He said, getting an alcohol pad. "Yah! Heck no!! Those hurt really bad!" I said, hiding behind the curtain. He chuckled at me. "Here you can hold my hand, it won't be so bad I promise." He said, with a warm smile. I hesitantly walked over to sit in front of him. He grabbed my arm. "Are you ready?" I took a deep breath and nodded. "Okay, 3, 2, 1!" He dabbed the pad on my wound gently. It started burning really bad, out of instinct I held onto his tighter. He then put the band-aid on it. "There! All better?" He asked. I nodded. "All better!" Just then the bell rang. I sighed. "Well it's time to go to class." I said, picking up my bag. "Huh? You don't have a free period? Oh wait, you're a first year." He said. "Oh, you're a year older than me?" I said, in realization. "Mhm!! So in that case you should be calling me Senpai." He said with smirk. I blushed. "Well then, I guess I'll be seeing you later.. Senpai." I said, hugging him and walking out the door. Let's just say I had smile on my face the whole day. ♥︎

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