The summer of 1999 (JJ)

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/!\ This story is a 90's AU, there will be some mild cursing in this but other than that this story is completely safe/!\

Freshman year was crazy, chaotic, amazing, anything you could describe something with. However you went to school in Utah while your older brother, James lived in California. You have split parents so you lived with your mom and her boyfriend and James lived with your dad and his wife. You were only ever able to go to California during the summer. So here you were. You stood at the doorstep with a rush of Nastolgia. You smiled and knocked at the door. It didn't take long for someone to answer. Estelle my dad's wife opened the door. She smiled sweetly. "Y/n! It's so great to see you, come in sweetie!" She said stepping aside. I smiled and walked in. Estelle hugged me, judging from the tight hold she had on me, she missed me.. a lot, so did I. "It's so great to see you Estelle." I said. "You too hun, your father is in his office, go on and surprise him!" She said rushing me upstairs. I chuckled and snuck upstairs. Memories flooded my mind seeing the familiar home. "God I missed this place.." I said to myself. I gently pushed open the door to the office. "Knock, knock!" I said. My dad turned around swiftly in his chair. "Y/n! I missed you so much my princess!" He said, bringing me into a tight hug. "Me too dad, me too." I said fondly. Suddenly his phone started ringing. "Aish, sorry I have to take this, go say hi to your brother!" He said answering the call. I nodded. Before entering James's room I decided to put my things down. I entered the familiar room with a small sigh. Everything was exactly the same as it was 5 years ago. A bunch of childish things, but I kept it like that for the nostalgia. My room still had the familiar scent of the strawberry shampoo I used so much as a kid. "I should go say hi to James now." I said to no one in particular. Walking out of the room to see the sight of a dumb poster on my brother's door, it said something about no girls aloud, I didn't care to read it. I knocked on the door, waiting for an answer. After a few seconds of silence James answered the door. "Oh what the heck?? Y/n!?" He said, shocked and confused. I smiled. "The one and only!" I said, pointing finger guns at him. He chuckled and ruffled my hair. I looked behind James to see someone else there. "Oh who else is here?" I asked. "Oh! You remember JJ dont you?" He asked. I looked over seeing the familiar boy. "Oh yeah Justin right?" I asked. "Y/n he likes to be called JJ." James interrupted. "No it's fine, she can call me that I don't mind." He smiled. "What!? Then why don't you let me call you that??" James whined. I smiled watching the two friends bicker. Of course I'd remember Justin.. or JJ as everyone called him. I'd answer the door for him as a kid when he came over to hangout with James. Of course he's gotten a lot older and his looks have changed a lot, but he was still the beaming boy I knew before. His hair was shorter, still the light caramel brown it was before, he had gotten a lot taller and his style has upgraded aswell. "Anyways, Y/n Sangwon and Jihoon are going to be here soon when they come can you please answer the door?" James asked. I grinned. " Suree." I said, playfully rolling my eyes.
James POV
I closed the door setting up my gaming console. "Dude, James, is it just me or has your sister gotten a lot cuter?" JJ asked, falling onto my bed. "Ew, don't talk about my sister like that with me here." I gagged. JJ laughed. "Oh, stop being dramatic."
I walked downstairs suddenly getting a call from my phone. I looked down at it seeing Danielle's name. I smiled picking up the call. "GIRL, WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU WERE IN TOWN!?" She screamed. "Sorry heh, It slipped from my mind." I replied sheepishly. "It's fine, but you should totally come skating with me and Haerin. Invite your brother and his friends too!" She said, ending the call. I chuckled at her behavior. Classic Danielle. "Y/n." I turned around to see James and JJ. "Uh hey?" I said. "Come with us to the basketball court." James said. "And why should I?" I teased. "Oh cmon I'm just trying to spend time with my sister." He said ruffling my hair. "Okay whatever." I said walking out with them. Turns out James's other friends we're gonna be there too, so they ended up playing basketball together, while I sat on the grass, watching the sunset. I zoned out not noticing the brunette boy sitting next to me. "So, how have you been?" I looked over to see JJ. "Oh, uhm I'm good." I said. I then felt kinda bad for giving him such a short reply to his question. So I went on. "Freshman year was quite chaotic, a lot going on, oh! And I also started playing the guitar." I said. I saw his eyes light up when I mentioned a guitar. "Really? That's so cool, I play the guitar too!" He beamed. I smiled. "JJ come on!" James called. "Oh, I'll talk to you later!" He said running over to the boys. I went home earlier than them so I could get some rest. I layed down on my bed, covering myself. I started at my glow in the dark stars on my ceiling before drifting asleep. I woke up at the sound of knocking on my door. "Mmh.. yes?" I asked, still half asleep. The door opened to reveal Estelle. "Hi honey, I made you some breakfast." She said placing a plate on my lap. "Oh, thank you Estelle, you didn't have to." I smiled. "Oh it's nothing, eat well hun." She said, leaving the room. I ate my breakfast and got ready for the day. The door to my room opened. I looked over to see Danielle. "Oh god! Danielle!" I screamed, hugging her. She laughed. "I'm so happy to see you!! Are you ready to go?" She asked, looking at the time. I nodded following her downstairs."Oh hey, Danielle." James said. I rolled my eyes and sat at the counter. Justin came and leaned against the counter near me. "Do you even know how to skate?" He teased. I automatically knew what he was referring to."Hey! I was like 9 leave me alone!" I laughed, hitting him playfully. "Yeah well let's hope you don't face plant this time. " He said smirking. I rolled my eyes. "Hey you two stop flirting and let's go." I said. We all got in my brothers car, me stuck in between JJ and Jihoon. As soon as we arrived I raced to the register so I could pay for my skates. "Jeez Y/n,what's the rush?" James said from beside me. "These kids are gonna steal my spot, you know I don't play like that." I said, crossing my arms. I quickly put my skates on and sure enough. I sucked at skating still😃👍 I took one step on the skating rink and I almost ate it. Justin skates past me in a whole loopty loop obviously bragging. I tried to skate to the other side of the rink but some guy slammed into me making me crash to the ground. On the way down my head hit the railing. I instantly put my hand on my head at the stinging pain. The guy didn't even say anything he just skated off laughing with his friends. "Hey, you good?" JJ asked worriedly. "Yeah, I'm fine." I said, giving him a reassuring smile. I can tell he didn't believe that, observing the way I was still wincing. He pulled me up by my waist, holding onto me until we reached the carpet. I sat down on one of the benches, Justin handing me a water bottle. "Just take a small break, I'll be right back." He said walking towards the guy who knocked me down.
I walked over to the blonde guy who knocked Y/n over, a bit agitated. "Hey! You mind apologizing to my friend you knocked down?" I asked, annoyed with the boys behavior. He turned around and looked at me with an annoyed face."Dude-oh! JJ what's up?" I was a bit confused but I then realized that I saw him at school before. I rolled my eyes. "Hey Ashton." I said, obviously annoyed. "Oh come on Justin, don't be like that man." Ashton said lighly punching my arm in a overly friendly manner. "Dude, I didn't come over here for you to be all nice to me. Just make this simple for me and apologize to my friend you just knocked over." I said, crossing my arms. "How about no, tell your cute little girlfriend to suck it up." He said, dropping his friendly act. "Omg! Justin hey!" I sighed, yup I remembered that voice all too well. I ignored her. "I'm asking you nicely man, I'm not trying to start anything, it's just called being nice." It seems that I've pushed his buttons with this. He shoved my shoulder, causing me to lose my balance and hit the wall.
Y/n's POV
I heard a bang coming from the left of me. I turned over to see Justin against the wall and a pissed guy infront of him. I ran over as quick as I could and shoved the blonde boy as hard as I could to get him away from Justin. "What the hell is your problem man!" I yelled mad, that he's making a scene, and most importantly making a scene with my friend. "Get out of my way Princess." He said grabbing my collar and yanking me behind him. I hissed at the sudden impact of the ground. Looking up to a whole fight breaking out. Thankfully I see James and his friends coming over. "Y/n, are you okay?" Danielle asked, helping me up. "I'm fine, thanks."  I said looking over to see James holding Justin back and Leo doing the same for the blonde dude. "I'm sorry I wasn't there to help you out    Y/n, I just got distracted with the arcade." She said, sheepishly. I chuckled.  "Hey, guys I say we leave and just go to the mall." James said. We all agreed. It took us maybe like 5 minutes to get there so it wasn't that long. "Wah! Guys look over there!" Danielle said running into a store. Almost all of the guys following her. Leaving me and Justin together. We both looked at each other and laughed.

Uhm part 2? Idk I don't really like how this story turned out. But thanks for reading anyways!

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