Summer camp (Jihoon)

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It was finally summer. Now normally i would be doing anything my heart desired. But no. I had to go to summer camp. (According to my mom). "Please don't make me go this summer mom, please." I whined. "Y/n. No you're going. You know I hate when your at home doing nothing." She said. "But mom-" I was cut off. "Hey, don't argue, it's final you're going. Go pack please." She sighed. I reluctantly walked to my room and stuffed my things into a suitcase. Once I was done I threw myself on my bed and texted my friend.
F/n: you done packing??
You: Yeah 😒
F/n: bahaha, not so stoked i see
F/n: itll be a lot more fun this year
You: Why do you say that?
F/n: the older kids always get a lot more freedom
F/n: we don't need to have a babysitter all the time. plus we get to have parties🥳
You: It sounds aight ig
F/n: cant say i told you so
F/n: see ya tmmr!
You: see ya🌝
I sighed and sat up again, checking the time. 10:38pm. Guess I should head to bed then. I thought, getting under the covers. I looked up at my dark ceiling, not quite sure how long I stated at it but I eventually fell asleep.

"Y/n! Get up we gotta go!" I heard my mom yell from the kitchen. I blinked a few times to make my blurry morning vision go away. "Coming.." I said, still sounding groggy due to just waking up. I threw on an outfit and dragged my suitcase out of my room. "Put your things in the the car, ill be out in a second." She said, looking around her purse for something. I nodded, walking out the door. I quickly put my suitcase in the back seat, sitting myself in the front passenger seat. "Alright let's go." My mom said, getting in and putting the car into 'drive'.

Time skip

"I love you sweetie, text me everyday! Two months is a long time!" My mom said from the open window. I smiled softly. "I will mom, love you." I said, waving at her and turning to check in. "Hello, welcome to summer camo again Y/n." The lady said. "Hi Miss Mara." I said. "This year you'll be in cabin 12 with f/n, Jihoon, and JJ." She said, handing me a key. "Got it... sorry, who's Jihoon and JJ?" I asked cluelessly. "They're new campers." She smiled. I nodded, making my way to the cabin.

I gently opened the door, walking in silenty. "Hello?" I called out, checking if anyone was around. I walked upstairs peering into a room. "Oh hey Y/n!" F/n exclaimed. "Hey! I'm guessing you're gonna share a room with him this year." I said with a small smile. She nodded. "No harm in making new friends." She said. I chuckled lightly and walked into the room across the Hall. "Hey.." I said, walking into a room to see a boy unpacking his bag. "Oh hi.." He said. I set my suitcase on my bed. "So I'm Y/n, I'm guessing you're Jihoon since my friend is with JJ." I said, turning to him. "Yup, that's me. I would've partnered with JJ but I guess your friend beat me to it." He chuckled. I smiled. "Yeah, sorry about her." I said. It went silent for a few seconds before Jihoon broke it.

"Hey wanna walk a trail with me?" He asked with a smile on his face. "Aight let's go then!" I said excitedly, following behind him. "So.. what brings you to summer camp?" I asked, looking over at him. "Not sure. I guess I just wanted something to do." He answered, not so sure of his answer. I nodded. "Lucky. You got to come voluntarily." I said, laughing a little. "Oh, you don't have a choice? Do you hate it that much?" He asked, smirking at me. I rolled my eyes playfully. "I don't know, it just makes me feel childish." I said, climbing up a steep hill as we hiked up the trail. "Childish?" He laughed. "Shut up.." I said, smiling. We stopped walking as we made it up the hill.

"Woah.." I said as the word escaped my lips, looking at the view. The sky hand red, orange, yellow, and pink painted onto it making it an effortlessly pretty sunset. I looked over at Jihoon, seeing him admire the sunset silently. He turned towards me a bit making me turn away quickly. A small blush spread across my face. I kept my gaze on a certain cloud in the sky, attempting the compose myself, pulling my phone out to take a selfie with the sunset behind me. I slightly felt Jihoon's shoulder brush against my arm as he leaned in to be in the picture.

I giggled a little, holding up a price sign, Jihoon copying me as I snapped the photo. I silently looked at the photo making me smile a bit. "We should head back before it gets too dark." I said, looking up at him. He nodded. "Yeah, let's go, make sure to watch your step." He said, cautiously walking down the steep hill. When he made it down he held his hand out for me to grab, making sure I don't fall. I smiled a little and gently held onto his hand as I walked down. "Thanks.." I said, releasing his hand. "Yeah, no problem." He said quietly. We walked back to the cabin in a comfortable silence.

Two months went by like the blink if an eye with Jihoon. We ate our lunches together. Went down multiple trails. Went to a few parties. Until, eventually it was time to go back home. It was a bitter-sweet departure.

I put my suitcase into the back of my mom's car once more and turned to Jihoon. "I'll miss you." I said, smiling softly. He smiled and gently grabbed my wrist, sliding one of his bracelets onto my wrist. "Just so you have something that reminds you of me." He said softly. I giggled and took one of my pink bracelets off and slid it into his wrist. "Then you'll have one too." I said, pulling him into a hug. He ruffled my hair gently and we pulled away. "Bye Y/n." He said, his gaze remaining on me. "Bye Jihoon." I said, smiling at him. I stepped into my mom's car. She drove off, I looked at Jihoon until I couldn't see him anymore.

Until next summer Jihoon.

Heyy! Hope you guys liked this update after like a million years. (jkjk) expect more stories on here though! 🤭

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