Reaction to the reader kissing them and running away

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Requested story! Thanks for the requests! Also yes my requests are open! Anyways enjoy!!

Leo was getting ready to head out with his friends. "Alright babe, I'm leaving I'll see you later." He said, putting his shoes on. He looked up in confusion, not hearing a response from you. "Y/n? Did you hear-" You cut him off with a kiss on his lips, then you skipped off to another room. He chuckled and ran after you. "Why didn't you answer me?" He pouted. "I'm sorry, I'll see you later hun." You said. He smiled and pecked your lips. "Byee~" you said. "Bye~". He called back.

"Yeah right, there's no way that you're dating Y/n." The brunette boy teased from beside Yorch. Yorch rolled his eyes, now tired of the teases from him. This guy was playing with the already little confidence that Yorch had from himself. "I mean look at you, and then look at Y/n." The boy pressed more. "Are you done?" Both Yorch and him looked back to see you standing there. You looked quite una mused. "Come on baby." You said glaring at the boy. Yorch hesitated. Suddenly you pecked his lips and ran out of the classroom. "Yah! N/n!" Yorch yelled, running after you.... Well that was one way to get him up.

Woochan was working on a new rap he wrote, you knew this. However when it comes to his health you don't mess around. So when you found out he hasn't ate, slept, or drank water, you lost it. "Woochan!" You said, storming into the room. Woochan flinched at the sudden tone in your voice. "What's wrong?" He asked, concerned. You crossed your arms. "Why haven't you ate? Why haven't you slept? Woochan, I know that making these tracks is important to you over everything, but to me your health is more important over everything." You walked out of the room for a second then returned with a bowl of ramen and some water. Woochan smiled and tried to kiss you, however you swerved. He froze, confused. "If you want a kiss you have to catch me!" You smirked and darted out of the room. "Wait Y/n! Hah!" He ran after you, little did he know, you just did this to get him out of the studio.

"What! No fair, you cheated!" Sangwon pouted at you. "I didn't cheat you just suck!" You said sticking out your tongue at him. "If both of you guys want the prize so bad then race for it it's over there." Leo said, pointing at the other side of the room. You smirked at the devilish plan you had. "Hey Wonieee!" You said. "What?" He asked, looking over at you. Just then you quickly planted a kiss on his lips and darted. Good for you, your plan worked because he got completely off guard. "Hey!! Now you're really cheating!" He laughed.

James was playing video games. He started playing a few hours ago, you on the other hand were dying of lack of affection. "Jamessss, I'm boreddd." You whined. "I know, I'm sorry N/n just one more round I promise."Yeah right, one more round, next thing I know it it's gonna be midnight." You thought to yourself. You got up infront of the brunette boy and pecked his lips."If you want a real kiss, you'll get off that game. "You said, speed walking out of the room.

You Jihoon were practicing a dance together for a school talent show, you guys have been at it for 2 hours now, and you started to feel like you were gonna break down."Wanna take a break?" You nodded kissing him."Last one to the vending machine is paying!" You teased, running out of the door."Hey! That's not fair you got a head start!" The boy whined, running after you.

You've never had your first kiss you yet, so you were quite embarrassed to kiss JJ for the first time, but it was a dare and you didn't want anyone to think that you were a scaredy cat. So what did you do? You quickly pecked his lips and darted out the room in embarrassment. JJ sat there for a couple of seconds kind of confused, with his friends teasing him. He rolled his eyes at his friends and got up to chase after you.

Hope you guys liked this part!! Have a great day/night!! Love y'all<3

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