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"Bye sweetie!" My mom called out from the car. I quickly grabbed my bag and shut the door. "Bye mom!" I ran into the school office. "Hello, your late I see." The girl said. "Yeah I'm sorry I had a dentist appointment." I said, smiling sheepishly. I gasped and smacked a hand over my mouth. "Oh, you got braces? They look so cute on you!" She smiled, writing a late pass. "Yeah... thanks." I said, keeping my hand over my mouth. She gave the late pass to me. I walked out the door, embarrassed. I sighed. "I hate this so much, people are going to make fun of me. What if JJ thinks I look weird?" I thought to myself. I opened the door to my class, looking down."Ah there you are Ms. L/n." My teacher said. I nodded and handed him the pass and sat down. I looked over at Haerin and waved. She smiled and waved back.
(Time skip)
I packed up my things and walked out the class with Haerin."So? Are you gonna let me see!?" She asked. "See what?" I asked, acting like I didn't know what she was talking about. She rolled her eyes. "Your braces! Show me!" She said, walking backwards to face me. I hesitated, but gave in. I forced a smile so she could see. "Ah!! You look adorable with them! You should be greatful, only some people can actually pull off braces." She said. "Aish whatever, I'll see you at lunch." I said, walking over to my next class, science. Okay pause for a second, this was bad because number one me and JJ have that class together and number two we sit next to each other, so this is going to be a long class. I walked into the class, JJ wasn't there yet. I sighed in relief. I walked over to my desk and set my stuff down. I heard a lot of talking in the Hall and I looked over to see JJ and his friends being idiots. I smiled and shook my head. I quickly stopped smiling when they all walked in. I put my head on my desk, arms covering my mouth. "Hey N/n!" JJ said smiling. I gave him an eye smile and muttered out a small "Hi." He looked confused. "Is something wrong?" He asked. I sat up. I shook my head. "No, nothing's wrong." I replied, looking down at my hands. "I can te-" He was cut off. "Okay class before we start I would like to announce that Ms. L/n got the highest score on the test last week, good job Y/n." My teacher smiled. I nodded. "Thank you sir." I simply said. We had a free period that day to celebrate the testing week being over, so the class went by pretty fast. Before I knew it, it was lunch time. Surprisingly JJ didn't try to get anything out of me, but I knew him we'll enough to know that he would confront me later. "Hey Y/n! So what does JJ think?" Haerin asked. I looked at her. "He doesn't know yet." I simply said. "Oh? Why? Have you been hiding it?" She asked. I nodded. "It's embarrassing." I said sitting down. "Oh, well I'll see you later, my boyfriend asked me to sit with him." She said, looking at me. I could tell she was going to say sorry just by the look in her eyes. I smirked. "It's fine! Go!" I said. She nodded and ran off. I softly chuckled to myself and took out a drink. There was no way I was going to eat with these stupid braces on in public. Suddenly a lunch was slammed onto the table. I jumped, surprised. I looked up to see JJ there."Eat. Now." He said, sitting down. "Oh, no I'm fine JJ." I said.   He looked at me sternly. I frowned. "What am I doing wrong?" He sighed. "Your not eating, your acting weird. Tell me what's wrong." He crossed his arms. I'd feel bad if my own boyfriend was the only one who didn't know about my braces. I hesitated. "I got braces this morning." I said, avoiding eye contact. "WHAT, AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME!? SHOW ME!!" He said shocked. "No! It's embarrassing." I said vigorously shaking my head. He went to tickle my sides. "AH! WAIT JJ!"  I started laughing really hard. He stopped once he got to see my smile. I sat there catching my breath. "You look so cute with them." He said pouting. I looked over at him. "What?" I said smiling at him. "Don't hide such a cute thing from me!!" He whined. "Okay, okay!" I chuckled, hugging him.

Hey! Sorry for the ridiculously late update. I really hope you liked this story though. Have a great day Aeons!! -Rae

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