𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟: 003

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Getting back home wasn't an issue thanks to Wukong. You got home earlier than expected, had a nice soak, fixed up some dinner and even had enough to time to pop your nails off and put new ones on. Humming a random song you smeared a face mask on making sure not to get any underneath your acrylics, the bald cap on your head made you look like a misshapen egg. You snorted at the thought and washed your hands. Drying them gently on a towel you began to install your new lace front, you wanted to get this done tonight rather than waking up early in the morning to rush to slip it on.

🎶 "yo, lemme in your world, you know what?" 🎵

You swayed your full hips to the song, gleaming (eye color) eyes watching your every move. The way your heavy, braless, breast bounce, the seductive sway in your plump hips to the way your thighs jiggled underneath the lace sleepwear. God, you were fine as hell.

🎵"I spy, I spy your lookin lonely~ you know boy that's why, wanna be your lady la-la-la-la" 🎶

You hummed, foundation covering your forehead, you knew you'd probably have to reply a bit more on tho but that's fun. Sweeping the lace over the cap you scrunched your eyes in concentration, you shimmeied it a bit to test it out before pinching the ends down over the glue. "There we go,,," You muttered under your breath, picking up a pair of siccors to clip away at your edges.

Pulling the lavish comforter over you, bonnet on and head pressed against your silk pillow you let out a tired yawn.

Sun Wukong.

Perhaps you may have judged him too quickly, the catering way he looked over MK, giving him advice when he needed it and the small acts of affection. The head pats, ruffles to the scalp and the laid back thumbs-up of affirmation. He was sweet, a bit of a self centered bastard. But a sweetheart nonetheless.

MK seemed to trust him enough, maybe you could too.

But, you couldn't just ignore some of the things he's done--the pressure he put on your brother, the numerous scars and night terrors he had. It seemed as if he relied on MK too much. All that stress and responsibility wasn't good for him, wasn't good for anyone. It seemed as if everyone relied on him and that left him little to rely on. You saw him, you know he wanted to please everyone, that only added to his charm. But you also saw the pain that resided underneath all of that. Despite how many times you've talked to him, reassured him that he could always, always depend on you it seemed as if it wasn't enough.

Sighing you rolled your shoulder back.

Maybe you should sleep on it.

You blinked, puffy eyes opening to adjust to the light that poured in through your soft curtains. Monday morning and it was currently 5:09, you might as well get up. Tossing over the covers you delicately curled your legs over the bed, knees resting against it to slip on your Hello Kitty house slipper and put on your light pink robe. Wiping the sleepiness from your eyes you pitter pattered towards the door-

"Morning Peaches!"

You anonymous guest didn't have enough time to react before being met with the metal end of a club to the cheek.

You didn't even play golf.

The body landed on your kitchen floor with a mighty 'thud', scrambling to collect themselves. "Wait! Wait! It's me Sun Wukong!"

You stopped swining, golf club held over your shoulder in a threatening way, and sure enough, once the adrenaline died down, you saw him. Hand cradling his swollen cheek the other outstretched in case you swung again. Golden eyes blown wide he shook, threatened by your presence. You blinked, "W-Wu? What are you doin' in my apartment!? How did you get into my apartment!" You weren't mad, per say, but you clearly remembered locking all your doors and windows last night. You missed the way he tossed the raggedy paper clip he had in his hand behind him. The bastard smiled, his grin definitely meeting his eyes as he ridded himself of any dirt that mightve clung to him during his fall.

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