𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓: 006

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It didn't take much for you to haul the great Sage into your apartment, for someone who was caked in rippled muscles chisled by the gods themselves he was certainly lighter than you expected. With a small huff you placed him on your comforter, his body sprawled across it almost immediately. You'd have to call in and say you couldn't make it, you'd worry about that later for now you had to worry about the Monkey King. His breathing was shallow, he looked hot and his armor only made him look stuffier. "Fuck," You muttered rounding your couch to turn the AC on. Stripping him seemed like an invasion of privacy, then again, it's not like he hasn't broken into your house before.

Shedding him of the Golden bands of his chest plate and the ones that circled around his upper forearms and wrists should be alright. Once it got cool enough you took the pieces off, being mindful of the jewels to avoid breaking them in any form. You placed them on the recliner across from your comforter. Leaving him in his red body suit, you swallowed, he looked absolutely delicious in the tight material as he rested. His breathing wasn't as shallow as it was when you found him letting you know he had cooled down some. "Ok, now for something to eat,,,"

That wasn't too hard as long as you could remember what he could and couldn't consume. Mk had mentioned offhandedly that Wukong was Buddhist, meaning he couldn't consume any meat--you found it miraculous as he prepared- well, bought--actually you weren't even sure if he even bought the food--but the dishes he arranged on the table had meat in them aside from the peach curry and peach rolls he devoured. You looked around in your fridge, you had some tomatoes, onions, heavy whipping cream, and a couple of gloves of garlic. Tomato soup sounded pretty good right about now.

You start by throwing a bunch of cherry tomatoes, a few regular sized tomatoes, some garlic, onions, Boursin cheese, olive oil, paprika, oregano, salt, and pepper on a safe to bake dish. Turning the oven on 200c and leave them in there to bake for 20-35 minutes. Meanwhile you grab your hand held blender from the bottom cabinet rinsing it off and setting it aside to dry. You look over the island, wukong was still settled down, his eyebrows furrowed as small puffs of air escape from his mouth, you purse your lips--picking up a wet rag you ran it under some of the cool water from the faucet before heading towards him to place it on his forehead.

No sooner than you did he shot up, hand gripping the fat around your much thicker wrist, you flinched at the way his sharp nails dug into your skin, ripping the delicate flesh as he glowered at you. "The hell,,,? Wukong, let me go." Your voice was strained as you tried to ignore the numbing pain shooting down your arm. Snatching the wet cloth from his forehead he yanked you towards him, your nose smacking into the sheer force of his collarbone, pain immediately subcoming up to your head.

"Fuck! Sun! What are you--!?"

"Don't speak to me as if you know me." Something about Wukong made you swallow your words, he didn't beam at you, and the only time his tail flickered was when it twitched in agitation. His fur was more bristled and seemed darker. His eyes didn't shine the way they usually did when they landed on you.

He looked absolutely feral as he stared down at you.

"I'll only ask you this once, who are you? And where am I?"

You tilted your head, holding your (plump/fair) nose. "You don't remember,,,? Wukong we're in my house, you know, the one you've broken into,,,???" He scoffed, turning his head with a coy grin as if the words you've spoken are untrue. "As if I'd be caught dead sneaking into a mortals home."

Actually, he has before.

By your neighbor, they tried to beat him with a broom when they caught him sneaking in through your kitchen window.

"Ouch," You muttered, "Hate to break it to ya pal-"

"I am not your pal." He seethed through gritted teeth. Your eyes narrowed, frown crossing your (plump/thin) lips. "Hate to break it to ya pal." You could practically feel the anger seeping through him as he tightened his hold on your wrist. "But you've broken into my apartment a couple of times before, hell, I found you passed out by my bushes!" You had manged to snatch your wrist away from him when the look of anger was replaced by surprise. Rubbing the bruise that started to form you looked back at him.

"What happened to you Wukong?"

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