𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓: 008

916 41 18

Me popping up after being gone for like a year:

"Hey,,,Hey,,,how ya'll doin,,,?"


Tehehe N E waaays---------------

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Tehehe N E waaays

It took only 10 minutes for MK to show up and even less time for you to explain your Monkey King situation.

"And then I found him in my bushes," You pull him closer "He keeps mentioning his past mentor and I don't wanna be the one to tell him."

He blinked.

"Tell him what? :)" You scowled,

"MK, are you doing that one thing where you purposely play dumb to lighten up the situation?" He pursed his lips, hands itching as he looked away nervously. "Er,,,no,,,? Ok, I don't wanna tell him either,,," He whined, hands pulling on the ends of his jacket before he glanced back at his mentor who sat perched on the end of your couch. In his hand the remote to your television, he jerks back when the flat-screen flashes awake.

The third season of "The Adventures of Monkey King" playing, the great sage quickly found himself enormed in,,,well,,,himself as he watched his animated counterpart. As cute as he was he had to know at some point his master was gone. Neither one of you knew how long his anesthetic state would last and you'd soon run out of excuses at some point so it was best to get the worst part over with first. Pursing your lips similarly to your brother you give him a pointed look, to which he stubbornly ignored.

"MK!" He wailed dramatically, "Oh come ON (Nickname)! I can't crush his spirit like that!"

"And leaving him in the dark sounds any better? Humph-"

"Don't start," You brother huffed irritability.

"I'm just saying that sounds a lot like something a certain 'Great Sage Equal to Heaven' would do." You said the last part sassily to yourself. Your brother gawked, having heard you, it took every fiber in his body not to smother you then and there as you glared at him, arms folded he gave you the same look before ultimately crumbling. Defeated he sighed before scratching the hairs underneath his bandana. "Fine,," He huffed, "I'll tell him." With a small call of his name you both met him halfway in your living room. Wukong was perched on your forest green recliner, feet balancing his weight he crosses his arms as he stared at you two.


"Well,,,we don't exactly know how to explain this but, um,,," Mk groaned, having an internal conflict with himself as he tried to figure out how to word his phrasing. "We uh, you're,,,ok! This isn't the time period you think it is and your master isn't here!- Yes, killed it!!" You elbowed him softly for that last part. Wukong scoffed, tail flickering. "I figured that, the technology here is far more advanced," He looked down "And my master,,,?" You grimaced, shoulders meeting your ears as you bunched them up. "Sorry, Wukong." He doesn't say anything, and for a moment you feel as if he's about to blow up, summon his staff and cave the earth in. But to your surprise, he closes his eyes. He breaths, steadily--you and Mk watch the way his chest falls up and down, your own breaths caught in your throats. He sighs after a few moments before opening his eyes. "I see,"

His eyes skim across your studio apartment as you're left conflicted. You're not used to seeing Wukong so,,,calm. Hell, you weren't even sure if you could use the two words in a sentence. It actually made you feel kinda bad, you'd thought seeing him react maturely to something would make you feel a swell of approval, knowing that he was mature enough to walk away from certain situations if he could made you trust him more with Mk, you wouldn't want him in unnecessary conflit if it could easily be avoided. You kinda felt like shit as he stared out the window. It made you wonder if he even really needed your approval in the first place. The tension only continued to grow the longer you all sat in silence, "The Adventures of Monkey King" playing softly in the background before you spoke.

"Would you uh,,,would you like to know anything else,,,?" You scrunched your lips up awkwardly, cheeks swelling up at the action as Mk stared at you, back at his mentor, then at you again. He stared at you two as if you just asked the most ludicrous question ever, in hindsight the moment of silence did drag on for a bit turning into a long,,,long,,, awkward silence.

(Well, not really that part was dragged on via MK-)

Surprisngly, he asked "What village are we in?" Mk shook his head, answering this time. "Mm, not a village we're in the city Megapolis." He sat on the arm of the couch swinging his feet back and forth and briefly you could hear your mother scolding him about planting his ass on there. It made you snort a little as you watched the two go back and forth. Glancing back at your clock it was a bit after 12:00.

"Yo, Mk have you had lunch yet?"

He immediately perked up. "Am I hearing "Big sis is takin' her lil bro out to get something to eat"?? Cause I am totally in!" As he leaped from the couch you rolled your eyes cause that meant you'd be spending money on more than just food, you couldn't help but spoil him a bit. A part of you felt like he deserved it and this was one of your ways to show just how much he truly mattered to you. Maybe that's why you were so judgmental towards Wukong, Mk was the only family you had left if anything where to happen to him-

You blinked at the thought before letting out a soft sigh and shuffling for keys just as Mk hurled a hoodie towards The Great Sage. "Here! Put this on!" The monkey raised a brow before shrugging it on. You nearly gaped at the sight, pulling your brother to the side you glare at him.

"Mk, why did you give that man my "I <3 guys with slutty waists" hoodie?"

Soooo I'm alive yippie❗️❗️ :D


Me seeing Cory in the trailer:

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2023 ⏰

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