Inhale. Exhale. by PWN103

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Inhale. Exhale. 

The smoke wafts around. 

Her head stops pounding. 

She pushes through the people dancing, and moves towards the empty leather couches. 

The wall is prussian blue. 

Pretty, she thinks. 

She draws pictures in the smoke, that quickly fade away. 

She closes her eyes, and gracefully lifts her arms in the air. 

Her yellow, sequined dress reminds her of what was. 

A home. 

A family. 

She shrugs. 

Inhale. Exhale. 

There is no mourning over what has already been lost. 

She sees her shadow, blocking the dim light. 

She smiles. 

She knows her shadow, her darkness blocks part of the light. 

But darkness cannot snuff out light completely, nor make it seem insignificant. 

She puts the cigarette to her glossy lips. 

Inhale. Exhale.


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Inhale.Exhale. by PWN103

Inspire Your Heart With Art Contest 2022 Winner

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