The lights are friendly by PWN103

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The lights are friendly and inviting.

The sky is blue and decorated with stars.

The cafe is quaint and homey.

It puts one at comfort.

In the cafe, people forget the shocking cold and old, dilapidated buildings and the flooded gutters on the streets.

They share happy memories.

They talk and talk and talk.

They seem nice, and they are happy.

A cloaked figure stares at them.

It hates them for being ignorant, for despising what lies below them.

It can see the ugliness below. 

It sees pale, starving children cower under the bridge, desperate for warmth and comfort and food and love.

It sees the homeless slumped on the pavement.

It sees a shaggy, sick cat left to die.

But it sees beauty in ugliness like the stars in the sky.

It sees life.

It sees a man help one of the sad people to a brightly lit nursing home.

It sees a woman give a blanket and food to the children.

It sees the cat get wrapped in a towel, given food and placed in a cosy nook.

It smiles.

There is still good left in the world.

There is still good left in the world

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The lights are friendly by PWN103

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