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Septemeber 6th, 1882

I got questioned yesterday, where were you for an hour after baking? Did you sneak off to a boy? Every conversation is now, you are getting of age Martlina you must start thinking about your future, and when you first bleed that means it is time to go out and find a nice, young, and handsome boy to take care of you and father your kids. I don't want to marry, I can't stand how men feel so entitled and better than anything or anyone. They even fight with other men to prove they are strong and smart and better than the others. Sad, your world revolves around who has the bigger brain. If I were to marry he would have to be the one staying home doing all the as they call it "woman's work" and I would be outside all day working the gardens and cattle and chickens. I know I am dreaming while writing, but isn't that what writing is for?

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