Chapter Three

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"Hey RayRay, wake up you butt cheek!" Maddie screams. Why is she always the one to wake me up right when the dream gets good?

"Oh my GOSH Maddie would you let me sleep?!" I cry before realizing I'm in a plane and I recompose myself. "Sorry.." I say to the people in front and behind us. "Ughh," I groan and get up. Grabbing my carry-on, we walk out out the plane and get our other bags. Soon, I spot Matt and Hayes with all of the other boys. There he is, Cameron Dallas. He's cuter in person. I shook the thought away and hurry to the chauffeur waiting for us.

"Sorry, Raylin over here wouldn't get the hell up." Maddie laughed and I blushed.

"Sorry, I don't like waking up super early so I was tired!" I argued. She just shook her head. Who I believed to be Taylor came up and said,

"Hey, I'm Taylor and your bags look heavy, can I help you with them?" He asks, confirming my thoughts.

"Yeah, thanks." I nod and smile. He grabbed my bags and I looked over the boys. They were all fairly handsome, but still, three caught my eye. I will have to talk to them later.

We enter the limousine and drive to the hotel. It was a four-star, and we got the whole fifth floor to ourselves. On the way there, Bart told us who we will be rooming with.

"Okay, so Maddie and Ray, Nash and Cam, the Jacks, Aaron and Hayes, Taylor and Carter, Matt and Shawn, and any others will share the suite." He explains. At least I'm with Maddie.

"Okay, how about we introduce ourselves?" Carter suggests.

"I'm Taylor, you already know that."

"I'm Cameron,"


"Nash Grier."

"Hayes Grier."



"Shawn Mendes!"

"Jack Gilinsky."

"Jack Johnson."

"I'm Maddie, and I'm 18." Maddie laughs.

"Ray, will be eighteen on the 28th." I say. They all nod and Maddie pulls out her phone. I soon get a text. The screen read,

From: Madster😈💙
'See anyone who catches your eye?'

I reply,
'A few. Like three. You?'

Soon, another text comes in.

From: Madster😈💙
'Johnson. HOTTIE ALERT!🔥🔥'
I laugh and the boys look at me with questioning faces.
"Funny tweet." I lie. They nod in understanding. But one gives me a look, Nash. I smile at him and he laughs and shakes his head.

"Okay, so. I say, if you're gonna be with us for the next three weeks and maybe after that, we should probably have your number?" Nash suggests to Maddie and I. We nod and give everyone our number. I soon receive almost twenty texts from the boys, making sure that it's 'working'. Idiots.

"Guys stop blowing up my phone!" I yell and laugh, which causes me to snort and everyone else to laugh. I blush and they laugh harder. "Stop!" I yell again.

We finally get to the hotel and run to our rooms. Matt and Shawn and Nash and Cam are right across from me and Maddie. Just the guys I wanted to talk to. Well, besides Cam. I think he has a girlfriend, plus I'm more of a fan than anything.

"Hey guys," Nash stops us from entering
our rooms. "We should all go out to dinner tonight, all of us together, so we can get to know each other." He suggests. We agree and decide to start getting ready since it was about 4 p.m.

When we got into the hotel room, I ran to the bathroom and changed out of my leggings and into some nice shorts. Then, I put on a Guns 'N Roses shirt . I also wore my black Vans. I applied a thin layer of mascara, and put on eyeliner, foundation, and blush as well. Not in the order, of course. I changed my contacts and grabbed twenty bucks, my phone, keys, pads, and anything else I could find useful.

I got Maddie and together we headed over to Nash and Cam's room. When we knocked, Nash opened the door in sweatpants. Just sweatpants.

"Oh, sorry." He laughed. Didn't you get my text? We decided to just stay in for the night, maybe order some pizza. That sound okay?" He asked as Maddie slaps my arm for my ignorance for my phone.

"Yeah, that sounds good. Uh, we're just gonna go change then." I awkwardly say and step back, taking Maddie's hand with me.

"He's one of the three isn't he?!" Maddie exclaims.

"Shh! Shut up! And yes, yes he is." I smile proudly.

"Okayy! And be nice, I'm the mean one here."

"Yes you are." I laugh.

We walked the long distance of five feet to our hotel room. I changed into matching sweatpants with Nash (on accident of course😏) and we left to their room again.

They let us in right away and we sat on the large bed. Soon, the rest of the boys joined us. Maddie instantly walked over to get a drink of water from the sink, where Johnson was standing. She was gonna talk to him! I looked around and saw Matt looking at Maddie longingly. Maybe that's why he asked about her on the plane! I will have to talk to both of them separately.

I was walking to the bathroom when the doorbell rang. I decided to just answer it because I was close. It was the Chinese delivery man. As soon as I opened the door, he made it obvious that he was checking me out. Uncomfortable, I called out for Cam.

"Uh, Cam? The foods here..." I say. he runs over and I whisper in his ear, "He's looking at me, make him stop." Just then, he looks and realized that that is what he's doing, and speaks up.

"Yo, dude." He snaps, "Eyes off my sister." The man sees through the lie.

"She's not your sister, I just want your number baby, we can have some fun." He disgustingly says. The boys see what's going on and Nash walks up.

"Hey, leave my girlfriend alone." He lies, again. This time the man believes us when Nash puts his arm around me and says, "Get behind me babe." my heart flutters when he calls me that and I smile a bit. Even though the guy sees I'm Nash's "girlfriend", he doesn't stop trying to get at me. He tries to push past Cam and Nash and grabs my wrist. At this point I'm freaking out, thinking of the worst. Nash puts an end to it by punching the pervert in the nose. Gasps are heard behind and Gilinsky and Cam jump on a punching Nash, who's sitting on top of the guy, trying to fight back but failing.

They pull him off, and the guy runs away. I grab Nash and run him to the bathroom. He shuts the door and curses.

"What were you thinking?! You could've broken his nose! You don't have to protect me." I say.

"He was being an ass. I'm sorry, I should've just told him to leave. I'm sorry." He says again.

"It's okay, thank you though. Here," I grab his hand. "Let's put some ice on your hand and clean it up." I say noticing cuts and new, fresh bruises forming. He flinched when I put antibacterial spray on, and some ice.

"Thanks." He winces and sits on the closed toilet. I sit next to him and ask him about his life to get his mind off of the pain.

We ended up talking for four hours, after ten minutes moving out of the bathroom and into the kitchen. At this point we are basically best friends, and I feel like I can tell him anything. I practically did, to be honest. We knew everything about each other, from our favorite color, to the most private childhood memories and experiences. When we start to get tired, Cameron suggests Truth or Dare. we all agree and spread out throughout the room.

This is gonna get interesting.

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