Chapter 1

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My names Tina I was once a fearless dauntless leader until I was captured by Erudite three years ago I have been held in this dungeon for three years I am going mad staring at the same four walls day after day I am a fearless leader who deserves a life of luxury not this, this is what factionless deserve tomorrow will be four years since I disappeared I miss my brother Tobias or as some know him Four, yes that's right my name is Tina Eaton I am the legendary four's sister he is like my other half. I miss dauntless.

Tobias's POV:

I woke up just like I did every other day, life was becoming lonely and monotone without her, she would always do something that made everyday exciting and different without her it was just the same thing everyday - wake up, eat, go to work, finish work, go home, sleep- day in day out. The days went slow with no word of her whereabouts I felt I was letting her down by not finding her, by leaving her to go through whatever it is she's going through alone we went through everything together she was the only one with me through those years of beatings at the hands of Marcus. I protected her and she protected me up until the day she disappeared... it was a normal day and Tina had gone out on a routine patrol she had done a million times before only this time she didn't return. I've been through so many scenarios, so many theories in my head, maybe things got too much and she left or maybe she was kidnapped. I was driving myself crazy... I needed her back, we all did.
"Hi man, how you holding up?" Zeke asked, everyone had asked me this since Tina went missing I don't know if they expected me to say I'm fine when it was clear I wasn't.                             

"What do you think, my sisters gone and we have no idea where!" I snapped he was my best friend but I couldn't help but feel angry towards everyone including myself for not being able to find her I felt we had let her down

"Sorry Four, I hate to be the one to tell you this but...they...erm..they could be looking for a new leader to replace Tina" he said I could hear sympathy in his voice but the anger was boiling inside me I needed to take out on someone "

"WHAT WHY THE HELL WOULD THEY DO THAT SHES THE BEST LEADER DAUNTLESS HAS EVER HAD AND THEY ARE JUST ACTING LIKE SHE NEVER EXISTED" I shouted in rage I could just imagine what she will do in a situation like this and that's what she would have done

"why the heck are you shouting at me why don't you go shout at her so called boyfriend he's in on it" he said back I knew Eric would give up he never loved her yep that's right Eric got one of the best leaders to date him and love him with all her heart and now he's replacing her

"Zeke" I said

"Yes four" he replied

"Sorry" i mumbled

"Did the legendary four just apologise" he mocked

"Shut.up" I said smiling a little before marching off, I reached Eric's door "ERIC OPEN UP" I shouted I didn't feel like being polite today soon a groggy Eric answered the door

"What do you want Four can't you see I'm a little bit tired here" he said yawning

"Zeke said that you guys were going to replace Tina, is that true?" I stated he sighed clearly exhausted

"There is some truth to that claim yes SOME of us are looking to replace Tina by that I mean Max and Victoria me and Neil are trying to argue against them but they're not budging they insist it's been too long and dauntless needs a new head leader" he said I could see bags under us eyes it was clear he was as exhausted as I was and didn't want to give up but it was inevitable, Max and Victoria had a point dauntless needed someone to guide them and since Eric and Neil where the newest dauntless leaders with Max and Victoria being leaders before them it was highly likely their opinions were going to be overruled but at the same time I wanted to deny the inevitable, I don't want Tina to come back and see her position taken, she loved being leader, I didn't want her to think we had given up and moved on but the look in Eric's eyes said it all if Tina didn't return soon that is exactly what would happen. We had to do something...

First chapter edited let me know what you guys think 🤔.

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