Chapter 14

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Fours POV

Beep beep beep beep "urgh" I groaned throwing my alarm clock on the floor breaking it "damn it" I muttered I got up and cleaned it up before getting changed and going to the cafeteria
"Hey Zeke" I say getting my dauntless cake

"You've not seen Tina today have you" he asked

"Nice to see you to and no why" I say joking about, I was in a good mood today for some reason

"No reason I'm probably just being paranoid" he said but I could tell something was bothering him

"What is it Zeke" I ask he wouldn't be worried for no reason

"I saw Eric go into her apartment last night for a few hours I think he was drunk I don't know but he left in a bad mood I'm just worried" he said

"If it makes you feel better we will go check on her now" I say trying to reassure him as well as myself we walked out the cafeteria towards her apartment when we got there her door was slightly open which was weird me and Zeke exchanged looks I pushed the door open and the sight that greeted me was worrying chairs where knocked over the coffee table was smashed things where scattered all over the place but one thing caught my attention the most a trail of blood...a lot of blood

"Zeke go get help" I say in a shaky voice he just nods and runs off I walk in and follow the blood to where Tina is laying covered in bruises and blood unconscious her gun was on the ground so I checked her over lucky no gunshot wounds I checked her pulse it was weak as well as her breathing it was so shallow that it sounded as if it could stop any second I picked her head up and leaned it on my knee I brushed the hair out her face he did this to her I know he did no one else was strong enough to beat her this badly except him I ran my hands through her hair she didn't deserve this and then it hit me like a ton of bricks she was pregnant I slowly put my hand on her stomach and lifted her shirt up enough to see a bruise the baby was most likely dead I put her shirt back down I examined the cuts and bruises on her arms checking for any broken bones I could tell her ribs were broken a couple of minutes later Zeke came back with doctors and nurses they put her on a stretcher and carried her to the infirmary while I stay sat on the floor covered in her blood

"Four" Zeke said

"Yea" I said weak

"She's gonna be okay you know that" he said trying to reassure me

"Will she I mean mentally what if the baby dies how is she gonna cope it's one heartbreak after another for her and what if this tips her over the edge literally one day she could be fine the next we could find her at the bottom of the chasm" I say I was just being realistic

"Four you need to support her stop thinking of the if's because they won't happen if you help her get through it now get to the infirmary because when she wakes up she's gonna want to see her older brother not a bunch of nurses" he instructs he has a point so I get up and walk to the infirmary I walk up to the receptionist

"Tina" I say she looks at a computer

"Room 4" she says I quickly turn and walk to the room Zeke following close behind when I arrive in the room she has a cast on he leg, a bandage around her head and numerous things attached to her pumping fluids in her monitoring her I felt guilty seeing her so vulnerable I walked in

"How is she" I ask the doctor he looks up from a sheet

"She has a blow to the head, 4 broken ribs and her right leg is broken" he summed up "she is in a coma at the moment and it is unclear when she will wake up if she even wakes up and wether she has brain damage" he continued with a pitiful look I didn't want pity I wanted he to wake up and tell me she was fine and to stop being stupid but that wasn't going to happen any time soon

"She's pregnant as well" Zeke spoke up the doctor nodded

"I will go get the ultrasound equipment and we will check on the baby" he said before walking out I sat on a seat near her bed while Zeke took the seat on the opposite side

"Why would he do this to her I mean she's pregnant for gods sake" Zeke says I shake my head

"Who knows what goes on in that twisted mind of his" I say

"Well he's not getting away with it" Zeke says standing up

"Can you at least wait till we know if the baby's alright so you can have a proper go at him and expose him for who he is an abusive bastard who murders unborn baby's" I say Zeke smiles

"So your not gonna stop me" he asks raising an eyebrow

"No because he deserves it he can't just do this and expect us to ignore it" I say Zeke nods

"I will stay until the scan is done but he better pray the baby's alright" Zeke threatens this was weird why did he care so much about the baby

"Because it could be mine" Zeke said

"What...Oh did I say that out loud" I ask

"Not really but I could tell what you were thinking, me and Tina slept together at the party and we had a heart to heart she said she was gonna tell Eric then this happens but I swear if I thought she was in any danger I would've stayed but I thought he would beat me up not her" Zeke explains

"It's alright" I say Zeke looks puzzled "I'd prefer your to be the father over Eric any day" I continue he smiles

"Thanks" he says just then the doctor returns with the equipment and puts gel on her stomach before looking at the screen I hoped so badly it was ok a few minutes passed still nothing the doctor turned around

"I'm sorry but I can't find a heartbeat the baby is dead" he revealed it felt like someone just stabbed me I saw Zeke get up and walk out I left him to it I needed to stay with Tina.


"I'm sorry I can't find a heartbeat the baby is dead" the doctor said I looked at Four his eyes were filled with hurt my anger bubbled over as much as I wanted to be there when and if she woke up Eric needed to pay for what he did I mean who beats up a pregnant woman I get up and walk out the door towards the pit when I get there he's stood with a few mates I walk up to him

"OY" I shout he turns around and my fist connects with his jaw he falls to the ground I kick him in the stomach a few people try to pull me away but I ignore them while others watch in shock

"Stop" he chocked out this made me laugh he had the audacity to say stop

"Well did you stop hitting her no you didn't so I'm not gonna stop" I said in an quiet voice before hitting him again he tried to fight back but he was useless at fighting if it didn't involve a gun then I pulled out a gun

"Give me one good reason not to blow your brains out." I said pointing a gun at his head he laughed

"You don't have the balls to shoot me" he says

"You might be underestimating me" I say in a deadly tone he stands up and tries to intimidate me but adrenaline is still flowing through my veins so I stand my ground

"How bad is it" he questions I hesitate on telling him but I decide to try and make him feel bad

"Broken ribs and legs" I say before I'm cut off

"See not that bad" he boasts

"Let me finish as I was saying and she's in a coma she may never wake up and if she does she may have brain damage" I continue I hear people talking but my only focus is on him "ALSO" I say emphasizing it "she lost the baby" I say fighting back tears Eric looks guilty as he puts his head in his hands

"What have I done" he mutters

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