Chapter 8

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I walk to Eric's apartment, he had asked me to go last night but I fell asleep after leaving the initiates so I decided to stop by before going to the initiates, I knock on the door and he soon answers and I enter "sorry I didn't come last night I fell asleep now what is it that you wanted to talk about" I ask quickly not wanting to drag this out, it was only fair on both of us.

"It's fine I just wanted to talk about us and what happened before the meeting" he answered I sighed, I knew he wasn't going to let either of them go easily but I still try to put the point across that forgetting our relationship was best. 

"Dunno what your talking about" I answer, I feel a little bad after all it was me who made a mistake not Eric yet he was the one chasing me about trying to repair the relationship while I was trying to move on.

"So you mean it then you really want to act like we never happened and like I never saw those cuts and bruises on your hands and arms and not being funny you were very angry and not many things make you that angry Tina" he said he sounded slightly deflated and angry, he knew me better than anyone, in some ways better than my own brother Four.

"Yes, forget about us it's a bad idea, it's toxic and we both know we want others so it's for the best and as for the cuts and bruises, I don't want you to care about me just act like everyone else did and ignore them" I order him really not wanting to continue the conversation, I wanted to leave as soon as possible I felt every second I was there I was more likely to crumble. 

"But Tina I don't want anyone else I want you" he said sounding desperate I did everything I could to avoid looking at his eyes, I knew they would be full of hurt that I had caused 

"Sorry Eric, maybe I don't want you anymore" I said, I looked at his eyes briefly and saw them gloss over I could see I had hurt him I felt terrible I turned to leave but he slammed his hand against the door holding it shut "Eric" I said turning around and before I could do anything his lips met my but I remembered I cheated on him, he deserved better, he just needed to realise it so I pushed him away and ran to the training room Four was already there with the initiates

"Your late and where's Eric" Four asked just then Eric walked in he seemed angry probably at that fact I ran away he came over and grabbed my wrist pulling me to one side I could no longer see hurt in his eyes only anger I tried to shove him away but he just held my wrists tighter and raised his eyebrow

"Why do you get to say when we're done, YOU cheated on ME and what do you mean me both want other people the only person who wants other people is YOU" he spat right then I hear Four

"GET THE HELL OFF HER" Four shouted attempting to pull me from Eric's grip

"Why should I what are you gonna do about it" Eric said calmly I felt like a little kid with these two arguing over me

"You don't wanna know" Four said in a deadly tone that sent shivers up my spine

"Is that a threat" Eric questioned in a low voice

"It's a promise" Four said I couldn't tell if he was bluffing I sure hope he was just then Eric tightened his grip on me causing me pain

"Eric let go your actually hurting me" I pleaded struggling to get free of his death grip, by now I'm pretty sure it would leave a mark just then I felt Eric's grip on my hand release not because he wanted to because Four had knocked him out I just stared at Eric's unconscious body and then at Four

"WHAT THE HELL FOUR" I shouted he flinched ever so slightly at my anger

"I WAS PROTECTING YOU" he shouted back

"I.DO.NOT.NEED.PROTECTING, I could've sorted it myself" I argued "Just focus on training the initiates I'll take Eric to the infirmary" I said and picked Eric up
Eric's POV

I hated hurting her I only I wanted her to see sense that I had done nothing wrong and even though she had I needed her to know I didn't care but the anger took over, how could she call it quits and hurt me like this when I did nothing wrong so I grabbed her by her wrists

"Eric let go your actually hurting me" she pleaded as she tried to get her wrists out of my grip this would surely leave a bruise just then I saw Fours fist fly towards my face I couldn't block it in time I fell to the floor darkness took over.

Beep...beep...beep I woke up to see Tina having a go at one of the nurses I smiled because she was always having a go at someone

"IM A DAUNTLESS LEADER I CAN STAY IF I WANT TO STAY" she shouted the poor nurse looked terrified

"It's ok Tina go home" I croaked she whipped her head round so fast I'm sure she got whiplash

"Stay out of this Eric...Wait Eric oh my god your awake" she said rushing over

"How long was I out" I asked

"An hour" she said I stared in shock Jesus Christ how hard did he hit me, usually it was just a couple of minutes

"What how hard did he hit me" I said rubbing my head she just ran her hands through her hair

"He was 'protecting' me" she said making quotation marks in the air I just laughed

"Eric he knocked you out and your laughing" she said raising an eyebrow

"Trust me he will get what's coming to him just you wait" I said smirking

"C'mon I don't need you guys fighting" she said

"If you just got back with me then we could get along again" I said I could see it in her face that it wasn't going to happen

"Eric, you deserve better, you deserve someone who wont cheat on you who will love you" she said holding my hand and looking into my eyes, I saw it now she wasn't being selfish, it wasn't that she didn't want me it was that she thought I deserved better than her I looked right into her eyes so she could see I meant my next words

"I don't care what I deserve, I WANT you" I looked to her for an answer but was met with silence "Tina?"

"Sorry Eric, you might not care but I do, I want to see you happy and you will be, trust me" she answered, before I could talk she got up a left the room, left me.

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