Twelve: Mature Desires

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It was silent, the silence felt suffocating. Dagur could feel the anxiety rising, squeezing his lungs closed. Kari, no Reaper, she was alive... After all this time. And he didn't once go look for her? No... He just accepted her death and sought to revenge it instead. Why didn't he actually go look for her? Maybe he could've found her years ago...

The riders were uncomfortable. Uncomfortable from the heat they were in, uncomfortable with the tension in the air, uncomfortable from the dragons looking like they'll kill them any seconds. Light suddenly spread out, blinding the riders that was coming through from the paralysis. Astrid squinting her eyes, the twins raising their hands to block the bright light momentarily. "You're awake."

How he missed her voice... Dagur couldn't believe he was truly hearing her voice again, because he always thought that the next time he would hear her voice would be in Valhalla. But he never remembered her voice so cold or her eyes looking like frozen emeralds.

"I'm going to kill you." Astrid threatened, glaring at the red head who didn't look affected at hearing that. Her head tilted, a mock in innocence as Reaper looked almost excited at the thought of that. "You can try."

That's all Astrid needed to hear before she was picking her axe up, running at the red head with a battle cry. Snoutlout's eyes widened in awe at seeing that while Dagur was already scrambling for his own axe, ready to protect Reaper. He refused to lose her again.

But Reaper didn't need the protecting anymore, like she kept saying, that little girl who couldn't defend herself was dead. Metal scrapped, creating a screeching sound as Reaper blocked the axe with her bow. Astrid coughed, specks of blood on her lips from the force of the kick to her ribs. She gasped, trying to catch her breath as she stumbled back; tripping over her own feet.

"Now that you've got that out of your system, get up." Reaper spoke coldly, not even sparing a glance to the coughing blonde. Snoutlout and Hiccup were crouched down, checking on their friend. Blue eyes were glaring at the red head, Reaper turning her back to the group. "Hurry, I'm losin' my patience. I really don't care if you starve, but the alpha thinks differently. You better pay your respect to him."

She gave one last nod to the dragons, leaving the den. Dagur was getting up with a smile on his face, following after her without hesitating. Reaper glanced over her shoulder to check when she heard footsteps, humming to herself while noticing him being the first to leave.

"If you don't wish for your dragons to die, I would have them back down. My dragons have been killing for years." Reaper spoke as she was crouching on a ledge, holding the fish in her hand. Fishlegs looked up in panic at hearing that, beginning to shake lightly. "Y-you've been really killing people?"

"Is that a problem ex dragon killer? Aren't you a Viking?" Reaper asked sarcastically, tilting her head with a really look. She didn't remember Fishlegs being such a scaredy cat, what a pushover. Astrid thought of calling her bluff, but not when it came to Stormfly. They were definitely outnumbered when it came to dragons and the large bewilder beast staring at them definitely didn't help ease them. "How... H-how could you take someone's life?"

"Quite easily actually." She answered with a small shrug, jumping down to a rock and sit down. Jeger crawled and curled around, head in her lap and tail wrapping around her legs. The overgrown puppy was feeling affectionate and needing Reaper's constant petting. "But I guess it's easy as... How do I say this nicely...? Tormenting me?"

She asked, while smiling cruelly. Eyes diverted, Dagur's narrowed in anger. It was the biggest reason that he was glad he called a war against Berk and still fought with them. "How was that saying nicely?"

Snoutlout grumbled, looking back down to the bundle of twigs on the ground. Her eyes narrowed, hand moving from Jeger's head to suddenly shoot an arrow in his shoulder. Thor growled at seeing the arrow suddenly getting fired, Astrid pointed her axe at Reaper. Her lips tugged a bit when Reaper noticed dots of red from where she coughed up blood. "What was that for?"

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