Sixteen: Repeat

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There is no way this is happening...

"You've got some explaining to do." Silver growled lowly, Thor flinching as Reaper was putting her hand at her face. The once warm feeling of peace seemed to turn cold as she could hear them shuffling around. "Hey we're back scary lady!"

Ruffnut said, Reaper opening her eyes to give a look to the female twin. Obviously, she could see that. And she was itching to just... kill them. But at the same time, a little part in the back of her brain, was pleased of the noise they brought. Pleased that she wasn't alone. But that little voice was immediately silenced. "And why are you back?"

"They ate the sick berries my love, it wouldn't be right for the dragons to suffer." Thor explained to his mate who was glaring at him. She was already annoyed with her mate for pushing with mating with Toothless, so this just put him in the bad den. But... He did make a point, it wouldn't be right for those dragons to suffer. But she wouldn't admit out loud that he's right.

She huffed, leaving the area as the other dragons glanced at Thor. The skrill chuckling nervously, scratching at the floor a bit. "That means she's okay with it!"

If the dragons knew him actually, they would know that him scratching at the floor is something he does when he lies. But they didn't. So they believed him.

But that was one of the two they needed to convince not to attack.

Reaper's arms were crossed, fingers drumming against her arms as she glared at the riders. Dagur was giving her a sheepish look, not wanting to be on her bad side. "I gave you one order... one."

"Y-yes... I know, b-but hear me out!" Hiccup started to speak, Reaper giving an annoyed look. The brunette looked down, fidgeting with his fingers. He hated seeing that cold look in her eye, he hated being in her angered side. "I explained to you that if you continued staying that I would kill you."

"But Kari-"

"Reaper." She hissed, tightening her fingers on her arms. Hiccup hated always calling her that, it felt unnatural. Her name is Kari and he hated that she was calling herself something else. But right now, he needed to suck that up and try to please her... "Reaper... Tuff's sick."

She glanced over at the male blonde, seeing him laying on the ground and holding his stomach. For once his sister wasn't making jokes and actually seem worried. "What did he eat?"

Reaper asked with a sigh, uncrossing her arms and walking over to kneel in front of him. She remembers the twins... She hated the gang when she was growing, but the twins seemed more like jokesters than actually against her. So she would give the twins the benefit of the doubt.

Ruffnut pulled out the berries, Reaper glancing over to pick up some of the berries to look at it. "Mm, I see... So he's sick from eating these..."

"Well what are they??"

"Berries I mix to make poisons."

"So they're poisoned?!" She exclaimed, looking down at her brother who was groaning in pain. Reaper shook her head, "No, alone they're harmless but mixed they're lethal. I'll get working on a recovery drink for him."

She gave a look to Hiccup, not liking that it played perfect for him to come back. There was a thought in the back of her head, wondering if he made Tuffnut eat the berries to stay longer... But she didn't know if Hiccup would actually go that far...

Could it be a possibility? I'm not sure... Many things have changed in six years, I mean look at me. Reaper thought while glancing at Hiccup while she was standing up fully. Her movement was graceful, even as she was standing on guard. Dagur could only thing of a powerful cat, on the hunt and graceful with strength.

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