Seventeen: No...

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Something was wrong... No one could understand what was wrong in the air. Dagur was beginning to get angsty, beating his hand along his wrist as he paced. She's been gone too long... She said she was just going to grab some things? How long does it take to grab some things?

Dagur questioned himself mentally, the other riders giving him an annoyed look. Snoutlout scoffed and crossed his arms, "Can you just stop? You're acting so annoying."

"I don't know where she is or what's taking her so long. It's already dusk... Dusk!" He snapped, never have liking how annoying Snoutlout was. But being this on edge, made his annoyance even worse and very tempting on throwing the knife toward his head. He could shut him up, for good.

Silver glanced over, realizing that the loud human... made a point. Even though she really didn't enjoy any of them, even the champion she and Thor picked out... She didn't trust anyone who's that close to Berk, no matter what.

"Alpha, have you seen Reaper?" Silver asked as she walked up the edge of the cliff. Blue eyes watched the worried night fury, his eyes sadden and that was the answer that Silver needed. Her body turned, wings stretching out when she felt the pain in her stomach. Small steps stumbled to the side, wings dropping immediately as she tucked her head down.

Thor's eyes widened at seeing his mate in pain, Toothless' eyes widened himself as he grew worried about Silver. Taking a nervous step toward the night fury, Thor's eyes narrowed as he growled at Toothless. The alpha growled back, sensing something in the air.

The skrill didn't think that Toothless would actually growl back. He remember the night fury on the softer side, not always wanting to fight, weaker. But something triggered the alpha side, Thor had to lower his head to the aura that Toothless held himself with. How could I forget? He's never seen me like this before. The last he saw me, I wasn't this strong. I'm THE alpha now.

And as much as he would like to see Thor cower on the ground, especially from the rivalry they've had years ago. But now, this isn't the time for that. He needed to know what was wrong with Silver. Gracefully walking toward the female night fury, lowering his head to glance at her.

"And your stupid dragon could have done that time entire time and he didn't?" Snoutlout scoffed, rolling his eyes before feeling a paunch hit his jaw. Falling back on the ground, Dagur released a breath. That made him feel better... But all of his anger just simmered, ready to pop off.

I can't lose her again... something is definitely wrong. Hiccup thought to himself, glancing back at the opening she left through. The clouds were dark, thunder rolling in the distance. He whistled, Toothless glancing back at his rider. "Let's go find her."

"I'm not letting you go search for her alone." Dagur snapped, Hiccup ignoring the red head to walk over to the night furies. Silver was glaring at Hiccup, Toothless lowering himself to see the night fury. The only he would lower himself for... But she won't even look at him. "Thor, go with them."

Silver said while the skrill nodded, standing up tall. Toothless turned his head, about to snap at the skrill but paused at seeing the scar of the night fury shaped on the side of his neck. Immediately, Toothless was looking back at Silver. She would really mark someone we rival with?!

He thought, flaring his nose in anger. Hiccup climbed on the saddle, gently nudging his dragon and Toothless gave a low growl of warning to Thor before taking off in the air. Dagur grabbed his axe, climbing onto Sleuther's back and the triple stryke took off after the night fury.

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