Shingo Shoji - Gold Night

601 11 12

Word Count: 943.

Another short crack fic I came up with and it's been a while since I've written for Shingo. I've had one specific line in my fanfic notes to use and finally came up with a suitable plot to use it! I'm sure you'll know it when you see it. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

In which the NightKids go to a pub and Shingo drinks more than he can handle, becoming a plastered mess that his girlfriend has to deal with.


When the NightKids scored a new win against a difficult team, the guys decided to celebrate by heading down to a pub the next evening. Of course, this idea was conjured in the magnificent brain of Shingo's, also claiming he can outdrink everyone and still be able to stay conscious, let alone walk. Shingo's girlfriend, however, rolled her eyes, knowing that the EG6 driver was one hell of a lightweight and would pass out after his third beer. But she wouldn't spoil that information for the guys, wanting to see their reactions and realize just how much of a baby the man really is in the drinking world. With everyone seated in a circular booth at the back of the pub, and drinks delivered, conversation started easily with the occasional sips in between.

Shingo challenged Takeshi to a drinking contest, saying, "Whoever doesn't pass out first gets to be leader of the team." (Y/N) nearly barked a laugh out, getting a half-assed glare from her boyfriend. Takeshi agreed, determined to keep his place at the top, though it's not like he had anything to worry about in the first place. They ordered several more beers to settle their feud, with one of the other guys doing a small countdown before the top two drivers started chugging. When they slammed down the last bottle, everyone waited in anticipation to see who would drop their head against the table first. With a few minutes passing quickly, Takeshi didn't seem too different, save for his cheeks becoming slightly darker and being a little slow to respond, but otherwise pretty awake and functioning. Shingo, on the other hand, was leaned back against the booth seat, his head tilted upward and staring at the ceiling before saying something with extreme slurred speech.

"What did you say?" (Y/N) asked, looking at him with a confused expression.

"I said..." a hiccup escaped before he spoke clearer, "I'm jealous of your heart 'cause it's pumping inside you and I'm not." His head lulled to the side, looking at her with an expression that made it clear he wasn't joking.

Takeshi nearly did a spit take across the table, before clamping his hand over his mouth preventing the would-be drastic incident. He looked at Shingo with an incredulous look that had (Y/N) clutch her stomach with laughter. The rest of the team barked out short laughs, all while Shingo continued to gaze at his girlfriend, appearing unfazed. "Y'know, babe, if you think this is so funny..." another hiccup, "How 'bout I just do it right here, right now, hmm?" he started to shift, fully intending on acting on his words.

"Uhm, Shin, NO!" She started to make some sound that sounded like an angry squirrel while in a panic, as she tried to get her plastered boyfriend to sit down, stay still, and not attempt to pull any dirty deeds in front of people. "Okay, time to go home." She said after several minutes of fighting him while the guys looked on in amusement. "Let's go, lightweight, move your skinny ass." She pulled him out of the booth by his arm, wrapping her other around his waist to hold him up. The rest of the team followed suit after paying, Takeshi being a gentleman and holding the door open for her. After practically carrying the man to his car, she unlocked it and he stumbled into the passenger seat, not bothering to even put his legs inside the car. Poor (Y/N) had to situate him and buckle him in like a baby in a car seat when he tapped out and started to snore. Shutting the car door, she let out a heavy sigh. "Good luck with him!" Takeshi yelled before getting in the team's designated driver's car. The others followed suit, wishing her luck with a chuckle.

Waving them off, she sat in the driver's side of the Civic, starting it up and driving back to their apartment. When they arrived, he wouldn't wake up to (Y/N)'s shaking and name calling, resulting in her having to heave him on her back and carry him up three flights of stairs. She was glad it wasn't too difficult, thanks to her job of working with heavy car parts daily (and she was a bad bitch who lifts more than Shingo could anyway). Unlocking the door and heading inside, she went straight for the bedroom and dropped him off of her back, his body flopping on the soft mattress and making no indication of waking up. Running through her night time routine quickly, she joined the passed-out man in bed, covering him up and moving an arm out of her way before laying down. Within three minutes, he managed to latch himself onto her like a leech. He mumbled something that she could barely make out as, "You're fuckin' hot in red." What she didn't know is if he was dreaming about her dressed in red, or his car.

Some hours after she fell asleep, she jolted awake from the sound of a loud thump. Looking behind her, she sees most of the covers are pulled over Shingo's side of the bed. He fell off. But did he wake up? No. The poor girl had to wrench the blankets from his form and pull them back up, rearranging them before covering herself up again and sleeping in the middle of the mattress. He'll be fine, she thought as she snuggled into the comforter, peacefully falling back asleep while spread out like a starfish. (Y/N) was going to need it, knowing the shit storm of a hangover Shingo was going to have when he woke up.

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