Headcanons: Their Favourite Body Part

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A friend of mine, RandomFangirl3, also has some hella amazing fanfics going on and wrote some headcanons we came up with as well, I figured she would do a lot better with the topic than me, so she wrote her own headcanons for it. A bit dirtier, but I'm sure we'd all wanna know and have wondered about it at some point with these boys. -.^

In which small descriptions are made about the boys favourite part of Readers, as well as Reader's favourite part of them.


 Keisuke: He loves your thighs and how soft and smooth they are. He loves trailing his hands up and down them, the feeling of the soft muscles is very satisfying to him. He will definitely use them as a pillow if you two are on the couch watching TV or sitting on his bed as he lies on his back, head on your thighs reading one of the many car magazines he's collected. If you're both out driving somewhere, he will frequently put his hand on your thigh as he drives, after he's finished shifting gears.

 (Y/N): You have a huge weakness for Keisuke's back. The muscles he's packing under his shirt make you w e a k. The way those muscles ripple like smooth waves when he rolls his shoulders or stretches is almost hypnotizing. Surprisingly, they're also very soft. His aren't tense and constantly solid like someone who's always working out would be. You like to give him massages from time to time, especially after one of his races when the tension gets to him and his muscles are tight. You simply use it as a clever excuse to help him get rid of said tension but really, you're pretty much doing just to feel up those perfectly toned and defined, god-like muscles of his.


 Ryosuke: Ryo is a man of class, so you can bet that he's gonna love your ass. Since he is a very professional person in all conditions, he won't hold your ass in public or even when you're both leaning against his car at a street race and it would be subtle. But when someone starts eyeing you up and tries flirting with you when you're not around Ryosuke, but in his general area where he can see you and this stranger, you can bet he's gonna get a bit possessive. As soon as you walk back to him and is in arm's length, he's got an arm wrapped around your waist and his hand is resting on the side of your ass. In more relaxed cases, when you both are chilling at his place watching a movie or sleeping together, he simply likes to rest a hand on top of it, maybe trace patterns lightly against it as well. He'll occasionally give it a light squeeze to which you normally just roll your eyes and giggle a bit.

 (Y/N): Ryosuke has some amazingly defined forearms that you can't help but stare at for hours. Watching him type on his laptop, you soon notice the small flexes his arms make when he moves them. Even better is when he's driving, and you get the pleasure of sitting in his FC as he does his rounds on Akagi. The sharp movements of turning the wheel and shifting gears gets those beautiful arms of his flexing full on. When his button up shirt sleeves are rolled up just past his elbows, you can bet that you're wetter than a freshmen college girl.


 Takumi: Takumi has a soft spot for your hands. He loves the way your smooth, small fingers fit perfectly with his when interlocked together with his slightly bigger ones. His hands are soft too, but slightly rougher due to the deliveries and work at the gas station. He adores how gentle you are when you run your fingers through his hair, and anywhere else on him. He finds them very relaxing and comforting; like a safe spot to run to when you have nowhere else to go, and you know you'll be safe there.

 (Y/N): You adore his face. The entirety of it is simply perfect in your eyes. From his smooth eyebrows, sleepy doe eyes, button nose, to those small, soft lips of his. He was God's best creation. (And we all know Bunta is God.) You ended up getting a habit of spacing out like Takumi, but to stare at his face instead of thinking of nothing. Anytime the two of you are alone, you enjoy trailing your fingers along his features and trace the outlines. He always has a blush on his adorable cheeks when you do it, but certainly never complains.

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