Takumi Fujiwara (Lemon) - Forever Young (7K Reader Special!)

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Words: 2,678.

I was originally supposed to make a 5K special, but I ended up forgetting, so here we are with 7K! Thank you all so much for the reads, your great comments, and requests! They've helped me improve so much within the year as well as give me more of a passion for writing.

In which a night to spectate a race turns into a night full of jealous passion due to the gestures of a blonde racer's flirts, and the legendary 8-6 driver doesn't take that too well.


Takumi was finally convinced by Itsuki to come and see a race and for the first time in a while, he wasn't the one participating in it. Takumi agreed to go for that reason and invited his girlfriend to tag along. (Y/N) happily agreed and now the three of them sat in the 8-6 as Takumi drove to the mountain the race was taking place on.

"Why does she get to sit in front, Takumi? I'm your best friend and this was my idea!" Itsuki complained from the backseat, a large pout on his face. "Because." Takumi replied shortly.

"Wha-? Because why?!" Itsuki glared at his best friend.

"One, you sat in front last time, two, you had the chance to ride shotgun with Iketani, and three, the lady will always get to sit in front. You can deal with the backseat for one day." Takumi said and glanced at (Y/N) giving her a small smile before turning his eyes back to the road. She blushed and smiled at his words and the fond expression he gave her.

"Ugh, Takumi! You can't just use (Y/N) as an excuse to kick me to the back of the car."

"Yes, I can." Takumi and (Y/N) chuckled when Itsuki turned red, mumbling complaints. The rest of the car ride was quiet for the most part until small conversations were started in between. Takumi found an empty parking spot, Iketani pulling into the spot next to him. The group of friends all found a small area to chill out at and get a good view to see the cars take off when the race starts.

They talked and joked amongst themselves until it was announced that the race was about to start. As soon as they watched the cars take off and speed around the corner everyone went back to chatting, but this time about who was going to win. "I'm gonna go get a drink, anyone want anything?" (Y/N) asked as she pointed to the vending machine behind her with her thumb. The boys perked up and nodded, telling her what they wanted and giving an enthusiastic 'thank you' as she headed to the vending machine.

After getting the requested drinks and putting them in the small bag she brought she turned around and bumped into someone. "Oh, I'm sorry!" She looked up, seeing it was Keisuke.

"You're fine, gorgeous." He chuckled lightly and winked. (Y/N) smiled awkwardly and nodded slowly. "So, you're a fan of street races?" He asked, sitting on the hood of his FD that was parked right next to them.

"Yeah, I love them and cars." She scratched the back of her head shyly, mentally scolding herself for an awkward response.

Takumi looked over to where (Y/N) was, wondering what was taking her so long. When his eyes landed her and Keisuke, who was clearly trying to flirt with her, he glared at the blonde, walking over to them. He didn't want to look like the clingy, demanding type of boyfriend, but he didn't want this to turn out similar to the incident with Natsuki. He loved (Y/N) and it would kill him if he let the egoistic blonde take her from him.

"If you want to see what a real racer is like, maybe I could take you for a ride sometime." With a charming smile, Keisuke winked at her. Her blush worsened and she stammered over her words.

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