Organosi - Greek word for 'Organization'
What is the Organosi?
The Organosi is a secret organization that dates back to the dark ages, it can be compared to a business empire. It has main members which are called Idrytis, Arkhontes, Bosses, and its other members;
Directors - Behind every Arkhon, there are 10 families who are supporting them in every way they can.
Managers - are the head of the Ultors, Trackers, Butlers, and Cleaning Crew.
Employees - People who works for the Organosi.
Acolytes - Families who supports Idrytis. There are 10 families for each Idrytis, they are called Council of the Crown, Council of Justice, and Council of Defense.
IDRYTIS - Founder and owner of the Organosi.
Idrytis gets to decide what happens in the Organosi as a whole, Government Law Enforcements trusts and collaborates with them.
The main task of the Idrytis is to do the outside work, they are the ones who talks to the world leaders. They are also the ones who tracks the Triad and to disseminate the informations to the Arkhontes.
Idrytis team consists of butler, tracker, messenger, personal lawyer, acolytes, and an elite force army.
ARKHONTES - Chairmen of the Organosi.
Arkhons are the ones who make moves and decide for the Organosi. There are originally 9 Arkhontes.
Arkhontes team consists of butler, tracker, hippeis, and a personal ultor.
BOSSES - CEO's of the Organosi.
There are a total of 7 Bosses, each one of them has specific continents to focus on. They follow orders from Idrytis but mostly from Arkhons.
Bosses team consists of butler, tracker, personal ultor, and a cleaning crew.
ULTOR'S COURT - the teeth of the Organosi's law.
There are 10 Ultors, they are the Judge, Jury, and Executioner of the Organosi.
History of the Organosi
Idrytis and Arkhontes are good friends who work together to fulfill the goal of the Organosi, which is to punish those bad people whom the Government Law Enforcements can't take care of.
Hundreds of years ago, for the first time in the history of the Organosi, there was a war between the Idrytis and Arkhontes, two of the most powerful and influential people of the organization.
Idrytis and Arkhontes used their power and connection, and because of their different decisions and opinions, it led to destroy themselves and the organization.
The former 1st, 5th, and 7th Arkhons left the Organosi and started their own organization called the Triad, the rival of the Organosi.
The 7 Bosses stepped in, led by the former Boss of Europe, Zachariah Roblez.
Eirini - a piece meeting happened. That's when it was decided that Idrytis remains in power as a respect that they are the Organosi's founders.
There are new sets of rules specialized for the Idrytis and Arkhontes. Rules that should be honored and respected to ensure peace within the Organosi.
First Rule
Idrytis are not allowed to kill their fellow Idrytis and Arkhontes unless they have solid proofs of their wrongdoings.
Second Rule
Idrytis stays in the shadow and gets to decide what course will the Organosi take, specifically deals with external decision.
Third Rule
Idrytis and Arkhontes are not allowed to meddle with each other's decision and agendas.
Idrytis is the highest rank in the Organosi and they are allowed to give orders to the Arkhontes as long as it doesn't affect the decisions of Arkhontes inside the Organosi.