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ULTOR'S COURT - the teeth of the Organosi's law.

There are 10 Ultors, they are the Judge, Jury, and Executioner of the Organosi. Ultor's Court is located in Athens, Greece. 

The very first Idrytis entrusted them the laws of the Organosi.

All the members of the Ultor's Court were picked according to their title, wealth, power, and connection. The court has no ranking in power but Lord Thanatos Nicolaides holds most of the decisions because he is the most powerful amongst them all, he is also the king of the Underworld. 

The 10 Ultors

1. Thanatos Nicolaides (real name: Nite Cesar)

2. Khione Oregon

3. Erebus Levidis

4. Kratos Savvas (real name: Cassiuz Savvas)

5. Ariadne Watanabe

6. Asmodeus Vasilakis

7. Lei Han

8. Helios Roth

9. Hephaestus Vogt

10. Calypso Barbozza 

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