The War End part 4

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Herio asks Ikuh, "What is that thing wrapped around Zelrus's body?"

"That is the Detorous Chain, the only thing that can restrain the mark of death from being out of control." But---"-before she can continue to talk. She was stopped by a scream.

"That voice"—Adranus looked to where that scream was coming from, then shouted "Everit!"

Everit was screaming in pain. She then starts to vomit blood. She screamed and screamed like she was being stabbed and tortured continuously.

Ikuh falls to her knee. "This is too much. Why, why do you have to do this to this extent? " She then shouted as she cried. "You know best that if you use that, you will feel all the suffering and pain that Zelrus felt!"

Everit tries to stand up. She then turns to face Ikuh with a slight smile.

"Everit"-Ikuh said. She then remembers something that Light said to her. "She smiles again."

(Flashback This happened when Ikuh and Everit first met.

Ikuh was kidnapped and imprisoned because she belonged to a tribe that could read, write, and even speak an ancient language. Everit was passing through when she heard screams. Everit came to investigate after seeing a girl chained up and tortured. She then stood up for her, even though she didn't know who she was. She even negotiates to take her place instead.

Ikuh shouted at her, saying, "Why do you have to do this?" You don't even know me! Why do you have to take all of it? "

I gave her a gentle smile. It doesn't matter if I know you or not. I choose this because I know that you have already suffered enough. "This is just a small price that I can give you in exchange for all the suffering you felt back then."

Tears began to fall from her eyes. She continues to look like Everit as if she was being tortured because that's the only thing she could do. "Why can you say those things?" she asks, her voice trembling. "Like you know me very well, why do you have to choose this?"

Everit responds, "Because I want to be your friend." She then smiles back at her.

That time, Ikuh realized something. She desires something she cannot obtain. Something that can't be traded for gold or money. And it is---

So this is what it feels like. Something that I never expected to happen. I hope that someone will reach out to me and save me from that dark place. I know that the time will come when someone will call me their friend.

(Back to the present time)

"When I finally find what I want and cherish, then it will be gone." Ikuh gave a bittersweet smile. She looks downward as she speaks to herself—"I know that I will be losing more valuable than magic." Something that I will never get again and will never come back to me again. "

Everit's feeling suddenly faded. Bright light from her starts to come out. It was so bright and warm. She then soars high until she reaches the sword of the big statue behind her. She then continues her chant.

Ikuh shouted from the bottom of her lungs—"Everit!! You promise! You promise that you will never leave me again and that you will be my friend! So please don't do this! "She knows that even if she says it, Everit will continue it. Because that's who she is. "

To neho guaid to demos, I ka tohe goe o deiat. Lesmo spetos, I wish to moste. Hos uresol nd heor meo." (I call to the god of death, the one who guides the dead. Let me speak of what I desire the most. (Show yourself and hear me.)

A big shadow suddenly appears in front of the light. That was the shadow of---

"Death"—Krans said with a low voice.

Herio was confused about what Krans was saying—"Shadow of death? What do you mean? "

Ikuh cut in and said, "It is the shadow of the god of death." "It is only called if you want to bring someone back, but you have to exchange something equivalent to what you want to bring back." She continues to talk until she cracks her voice—"But in the case of Everit, if she wants to bring back this many people, she needs something that can equal this, something she can offer more than her life."

The shadow speaks in an ancient language that is called the Skrikuin.

"Did you do desior?" What do you desire?"

I wito breo acto a to neho havo deit ihesto wair inos ehanero (I wish to bring back all those who died in this war).

(What can you give me in exchange?)

Iyr liferos (My Life) isno enouteh bir koba afotem.

Ive meo otehero nahata qule ih motoo sol? Your life is not enough to bring back all of them. Give me something that can equal this amount of soul?

Then Ikuh realizes something. She forgot something that light can only give. But she hesitates—"That's impossible." because there is no one like that who exists in this world.

Myo imortalea (My immortality)

The god of death laughed at what Light said.

Iyr n abtorus zincari tos siyotih (You're an ambitious human to say such a thing).

But light said something that made the god of death stop laughing. The god of death was shocked at what he had heard. He didn't believe it at first until he saw the diamond-like mark on Light's forehead.

I agolyz mof rudeneos afiont ecoroniol iyr (I apologize for my rudeness and for not recognizing you.)

.. He then draws out a sword. A sacred sword, feared by everyone. A glimpse of it can take away your life. Ikuh tried to put another barrier inside the one that light made. She made the barrier so that they could not have even a glimpse of it.

The god of death asks Everit about her wish, but she still insists on doing it no matter what the outcome might be.

Greetings, Raqio tha iyr Liferos. I loniteo altwa iyr imortalea a sineo omyo reflectos oferio (rather than taking your life, I will only take away your immortality as a sign of my respect).

The god of death swings his sword from left to right many times as he continues his ritual. Everit joins him and chants. As death swung his sword, a clock-like structure was formed in the air. It was big and made a loud noise. A sound that can attract lost souls.

Everit's sword flies toward her. She then looks at the god of death with an expressionless look and says, "You are being soft, Zekeos." You know better that even if you don't take my life, someone will. "

The shadow grows bigger, forming a circle where light is. It was dark. Not even a glimpse of light could be seen. The only thing that light sees is pitch black. She then hears a voice.

It's been ages since someone called me by my name.

It gradually brightens from that pitch-black abyss. But someone was present. A black-haired man with red eyes. And a scar on his right eye appeared. He was holding a sword in front of Everit.

He speaks in a smoky tone, "It's been a long time since I used this form," he says, looking at the light. He raises his right hand and touches the scar on his face. " Everit Lightous It's true, you're stunning in person. "

Light took a deep breath. She then looked at him and said, "Why did you suddenly stop me?"

He then gives a bit of a smile. Zekeos walks towards the light slowly. "I didn't stop you." This is part of the ritual. "

Everit closes her eyes and continues to chant. Zekeos was already behind her. He then put his right hand on her shoulder. He sniffs her neck as he moves his head closer to it. "It smells like you're here."

"Well, I'll just change the ritual a little to see you." He moved his head and came in front of her. "You have the power to change this, the power to change your future."

She opens her eyes and stops her chant. "I do not want to go against what has already been written in the book of Lexicon."

Everit laughed as he heard what Zekeos said, "You don't w

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