The War End part 5

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The god of death, Zekeos, disappears along with the shadow. The clock rings. This is a sign that the ritual is over.

A large circle of light appears. It cracks like glass and forms a small circle. Every dead person was illuminated by tiny lights. People who had died in the war began to resurrect one by one.

The lights go toward where Ikuh was. Krans's body glows as it is being healed.

" She did it!" Ikuh said to herself as she cried.

Everit smiles brightly as she looks down. "I guess I have already fulfilled my duty."

The problem was solved, but there was an unexpected thing that happened that shocked everyone.

After being knocked out, Zelrus regained consciousness. The chain that had been wrapped around her body had already broken. He attempted to stand but fell back to his knees. Everything he saw was distorted. " What happened? Everit? "

His vision gradually improves. As he looked up at the sky, he noticed something else that shocked him even more. Everit's body is pierced by a black arrow. He attempted to sprint towards her. "Everit!"

Everit comes crashing down. Zelrus has already arrived on the ground before she has even reached it. He quickly catches her in both hands, lowering his perch to the ground. The barrier known as Illenus vanished without a trace. As it vanishes, Ikuh and the others rush toward Everit and Zelrus.

Zelrus pulls out the black arrow that pierces Everit's body. He then touches her face as he tries to talk to her, "Light, stay with me." Amino will heal you. "

Zelrus kept his hand on his stomach, trying to stop it from flowing. Everit tries to speak while blood drips into his mouth. "Zelrus"

But Zelrus prevented her from talking. "Don't talk, Amino and the others will be here. Just hold on."

Ikuh and his companions have already arrived. Amino approaches Everit. She presses her hands against Everit's wound. "E-everit!" she cries as she heals her "I'm here! So hold on. "

Except for Zelrus, everyone was crying and calling her name. Everit flashed a bright smile. "Do not hold your hatred against them for doing this," she said softly. "They are just victims like us." "Try to understand and forgive them."

Zelrus clenched his fist and looked down. Even though he was surrounded by bad omens, Everit held Zelrus' hand. "I don't want any of you to be prisoners of the past," she said as she gazed up at the sky. "I want you all to find freedom and happiness in this world that you can call your own." "Live life to the fullest with no regrets."

Everyone was in tears. There was no sound to be heard. Even though they were in pain, they tried to be strong in front of her. Everit puked blood from her mouth once more. She smiles to pretend she's fine, even though she isn't. "I'm afraid I'm running out of time."

"You are not going to die." "You promise that you will not leave my side no matter what happens," Zelrus said in a thick voice. "You promised that to me." Tears started to run down his eyes without him even noticing it, falling to his face. She tries to raise her right hand and wipe Zelrus's tears.

"I don't regret living this long," she said, her eyes holding back tears. "Remember that this is not a farewell; it may take longer, but we will cross paths again eventually," she said until her voice broke.

She looks at the cloudy sky and then looks back at Zelrus, touching his face. She then whispered to him, "Forgive me if I need to leave you again."

Her hand falls to the ground, making a sound. Amino pulls her hand out of the Everit's wound. She bows her head down as she cries in silence.

Adranus looks at Amino as they mourn. He clenched his fist as he spoke in a low voice, "Why did you stop?" Heal her. You said that you would heal her, that she would be okay, so don't stop. "

On the other hand, Amino ignored him. She was trembling and sobbing quietly. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," she said, her voice shaking. "I should have done better." I should have been strong. But I'm weak. That's why she died. She died because I was weak! I can't help her. I should have died, not her. I'm sorry! I'm so sorry everyone! "

Aqua put her hands on Amino's shoulder and said, "Everit will be sad if she hears this." Do not say that it is your fault; you did everything you could to save her. You gave us the strength to move forward, to not give up on anything. You are not weak, you are also strong. "

Adranus smiles as he looks down, taking a deep breath."What are you talking about?" Is Everit---is---dead? Don't make me laugh. She's just sleeping, so don't say such ridiculous things... because she's not dead! To heal her now! "

Krans makes his way toward Adranus. Suddenly, he pulls Adranus towards him, shouting, tears streaming down his cheeks. "Wake up! Don't you see? Everit is dead! She's dead. She's gone! She'll never come back ever again! So stop acting like you don't know!" His head falls to his knee as he looks downward. His voice trembles. "Stop right now. Look around you. You're not the only one who is upset and despairing over Everit's death; Everit once said that it's okay to cry when you can't take it any longer."

Adranus looked at the sky. Tears started to flow continuously down his cheeks. He then falls to his knee, putting his right hand on his chest, "E-ve-rit." Then stars began to rain down drops of water, and it began to rain. It continues to rain as if the sky is mourning Everit's death.

Everyone was sad about what happened, mourning the pain of losing someone important to them. The sense of loss they felt was greater than the loss of a war. They might win this battle, but they lose something more valuable than anything else. She was a comrade, a friend, a family, a guardian, and a hero to them.

A mournful Zelrus pulls Everit closely towards him. He clings to her and hugs her tight, refusing to let her go. Without realizing it, tears began to fall from his blue eyes. "You foolish, I should be the one who needs to apologize for everything I did to you. I always leave you behind, but you never abandon me. You never get tired of reaching out to me." He then gives her a breathily bit of a smile. "I should have protected you more; I should have been the one lying here, not you; I should have confessed my feelings for you and not acted stupidly, but I'm a failure for not doing those things."

He then whispered to her, "You should have just let them die." But you are different. You will always choose the opposite. That thing that will save others but lead you into danger. "

"Farewell everyone," Everit said as she touched the back of Zelrus, who was holding her mortal body. She then stood up and turned around. "Is it

Is it alright to just leave it like this, Everit? "

She looks straight in front of her. "Shouldn't Death rather be here than you, Zekeos?"

"The Grim Reaper? I let him off. " He was leaning on the statue where there was a path that appeared beside him. "Is it alright to leave like this? If you would like, I will---"

But before Zekeos continued what he was saying, he was stopped by Everit to continue even further. "Do that and I will not forgive you."

"Alright, I won't interrupt them anymore." He smiles bitterly. He crosses his arms as he looks towards Zelrus, who is holding the body of Everit. "Brother, it's sad to see you like this again. It aches me to see you losing the one you love most again. It's just sad that your dream didn't come true again. "

Everit was about to cross the path, but she stopped for a second to look at Zelrus one last time. Her tears started to come out again. She then turns around, not facing back as she moves forward to the path of light.

"Farewell, my love" were the last words she said before she was gone. The words that she can never say again to the person she loves.

"I wish for the day when your dream will come true," Zekeos said. He then proceeds slowly down the road of life. As he waves goodbye to his brother, he smiles. "Farewell, my beloved brother," he says before disappearing along the path of light and Everit.

Zelcus raised his face to the rainy sky, tears streaming down his cheeks. He yells her name one last time. As he yells, you can sense a lot of emotion. Sadness, sorrow, and the difficulty of bidding farewell to the person who shaped them into who they are today. But the time has finally come to bid farewell to the great guardian of light, Everit Lightious.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2022 ⏰

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