21. no goodbye

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Not long after Carl and Elide ran off, Ron, Michonne, Gabriel, and Rick followed, holding an injured Deanna in his arms

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Not long after Carl and Elide ran off, Ron, Michonne, Gabriel, and Rick followed, holding an injured Deanna in his arms.

It was beyond anyone's comprehension how everything could have gone so wrong; a week ago everything was great and now they were losing everything they had worked so hard to gain.

Carl and Elide shot most of the walkers out of the way as best they could, but there were more and more. No matter which way the girl turned, it was a nightmare.

It was the same as it had been then. Walkers everywhere she looked. Screaming, blood, sweat; there was no way out and that realisation made Elide shudder.

Carl next to her turned to Elide and noticed her breathing quicken to double. Her eyes had widened and her hand had tightened around her gun.

Carl said nothing to her, instead taking her hand and squeezing it tightly, causing her to wake from her stupor. Startled, she looked at her hands and then up at Carl, who gave her a look of at least equal panic.

But that was as far as the two of them could stay, because walkers surrounded the small group and forced them even closer together. Elide shot two walkers in the head with her last ammunition, but immediately new dead ones took the place of the walkers she had just killed.

But suddenly some of the walkers were shot in the head and a way opened up. "Come on, I have Judith!" It was Jessie.

Carl was the first to run and as he was still holding Elide's hand he automatically pulled her with him. Once everyone was safe Rick slammed the door shut and held it firmly shut with the other adults until they could put something against it.

While Rick took Deanna upstairs to a bed, Elide ran into the kitchen and, after sitting down on the floor, leaned against the kitchen island.

Her head fell automatically into her hands as she drew her knees up and took shaky breaths in and out. Slowly the adrenaline left her body and she felt all the pain and all the things they had done come back to her.

Her heart ached and there was an uneasy feeling in her stomach. She didn't know where Daryl was, or how Maggie or Carol were doing. No one knew who had survived or who still needed help out there. This was all a disaster and Elide wasn't ready to lose her family again.

When someone sat down next to her she already knew who, just by the smell.

Carl had seen Elide move away from the group and went to her. He had missed her the last few days and wanted to be near her, especially now that she was clearly not well.

Elide lifted her head and immediately met Carl's bright blue eyes.

"Don't worry, El, we'll all make it out alive. My dad will make sure of that," he said, placing his hand unsteadily on her knee. Barely noticeable, the girl flinched as a pleasant warmth immediately emanated from that spot and her heartbeat increased unhealthily.

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