although not first I'm hearing of it I have been playing genshin impact lately.. truly, I must admit it's quite addicting (I'm at AR 35 now, that's how addicting it is for me). well it explains why I keep forgetting my responsibilities such as commissions, writing, and school. procrastination... ‘∆'|I| if anyone wants my asia uid, feel free to ask, as I do need more friends.
but because of my new addiction, I am unable to write more than this lol. this is genuinely rushed.
"a-re'ya happ-y?" error sulks in the corner of nightmare's roommglancing at the other skeleton with a somewhat neutral glare. error isn't thrilled, but then again, he has no right to express that properly.
such a ridiculous question, nightmare would've said if he weren't caught off guard. the confused skeleton pauses, blinking. nightmare hysterically laughs, it cannot be helped to shoot another; "why wouldn't I be?" nightmare sadistically smirks, fidgeting with what seems to be a bell. perhaps a copy of the bell he gave to killer. "although I am unfulfilled... it's still an achievement, I made himself sink in this hell hole deeper than normal... why would you, of all creatures, think otherwise of my mood?" nightmare grimaces, but that didn't mean it spoiled his mood, it's just teasing. "and here I thought you knew me."
error groans at such a dumb response. although it crushes him to admit, nightmare was only half lying, error knew him pretty well ever since nightmare approached him. by that, error knew nightmare would offer him an opportunity to destroy all living beings and running universes... however, not so well as killer. they've been walking throughout the multiverse together as companions for one another in years, certainly longer than error's lonesome existence. if they were to be compared in longest companion, killer would win easily. "nonse-nse! wh-ether I-I kn-no-ow you-u w-well or not, it does-n't matter. putti-ng killer in a sh-itty po-si-sition is not someth-thing you should do to a dear s-ubordinate. ah-h-h! whatev-er." error angrily claims, scoffing after whilst locking his arms in a cross. he honestly hates to look after nightmare, but the fact he is sort of his responsibility stops him otherwise. error grimaces after watching nightmare roll his eyelight. he sighs, "remin-d me wh-y are you doin-g this, ag-ain?"
"to mess with him! of course. it is for my entertainment and legacy." nightmare proudly states, a hand against his chest. "mostly for my entertainment."
"i-t se-seem-s." he exhales, rather in an irritated manner. he has nothing but a tiny bit of pity felt for killer, given his situation of manipulation and malice. as much as it is entertaining, it's still pitiful. "I a-m still eve-r-so-curio-s. wh-at's the pu-rpos-e of you-r pl-an? that-s not entertainm-ment?"
this made nightmare pause. "huh... well.."
that's right... what was the purpose of this wicked plan again? even nightmare himself have forgotten. being entertained, sure, that's for one. but as for other reasons, he's uncertain on how to answer. nightmare's face blinks, a quizzical expression paints on his features. his fingers caresses the tip of his chin. "..." he is actually thinking carefully, surprisingly enough. but besides that, error already knew he forgot just from the lack of response he had gotten from nightmare.
it was to keep him in his sight, right? constantly showing gratitude and saying such strange things as compliments so to keep killer with him. there needn't to be a reason said hence he is the king of negativity, he can just say it's for the negative outcome. however, he didn't want to appear like a fool, not in front of his dear employer.
"he-llo-o-o? you th-ere? I've y-et to get an a-nswer." error waves at nightmare, making sure he's still alive and responding. getting struck with an idea, error snickered. ".. o-r have-e you fo-rgotten a-and ar-e just... gr-atifyin-g kille-r-r.. gen-ui-nely?"
"excuse me?" nightmare snarls, which error remained unresponsive to, acting as if he hadn't said anything.
oh, now he's irritated.
"... you may not understand why I'm going through this, but surely, there is no need for you to." nightmare grits, clearly agitated. the he tone he gives was enough to suggest he's frustrated, aggravated. the once smug grin rearranged into an icy glare directed towards error. nightmare abruptly stands up, eye(s) darkening. he affirms, "and I assure you there is no ounce of good intentions within my reasons." before exiting the chamber.
looks like you struck a nerve. swap chuckles in his head.
error snorts, seemingly scornfully satisfied. "I-I hav-e."
as token of my gratitude and apologies.... have this series of doodles I have made.
sort of my headcanon for the book. ??
urs. nightkiller
Fanfictionin which - killer is loyal to nightmare. but perhaps, too loyal?