5 | he likes me, he likes me not

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"Alright," Mr. Molina says. "Bella, please move next to Mitchell. Ethan, I want you to take Rebecca's seat, and, Rebecca, please move to where Bella was sitting."

The blood in my body practically freezes. Bella's old seat? That means . . . I'm gonna be sitting next to Edward! I'm freaking out . . . I'm freaking out . . . I'm freaking out . . .

I try to act as normal as possible as I pull out the chair next to Edward and sit down next to him. I cross my arms in front of me on the desk nonchalantly. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice movement from Edward. Using my side-eye vision, I watch him as he puts a hand up to his nose. Ummm, okay . . . why is he doing that? I don't smell anything, and I don't think Planarians have a bad smell either, so it couldn't be that.

At that very moment, Mr. Molina comes over and places two samples of Planarians on our desk, one for me and one for Edward. Without a word, Edward removes his hand from his nose and timidly slides my sample over to me.

"Thanks," I say. At this point I'm just hoping that he'll at least say something to me. I look at him for a response.

When Edward's eyes meet mine, they have a look in them that I have never seen before. I can't tell if something is wrong with him or not as he stares at me with a cold, hard stare. The longer I look into his eyes, the more weird I feel. Something about Edward is starting to scare me, something so unknown that I can't even describe it. Something so horrible and awful that it feels like if I don't look away now, he'll kill me or something.

So I do just that, I look away from him quickly. The second I turn my head away from him though, he starts making a low huffing and growling sound. His unusual behavior is making me feel extremely uncomfortable. I grip the table subconsciously as an attempt to distract myself from the weird boy next to me.

Wondering if anyone else in the class has noticed Edward's weird behavior, and it's not just me going insane, I look around the classroom.

My eyes fill with horror. I inhale a gasp. Every student in the class is slumped over. Their bodies are mangled and covered in dark patches . . . blood, it's blood. My chest heaves up and down as I open my mouth to scream.

Nothing has time to come out of my mouth though, as Edward leaps from his chair and puts his arm around my throat. His other arm clutches me hard in the stomach, pulling my blouse up in the process.

I try to scream, but his grip around my throat is so tight that I can barely breathe. Before I know it, he brings his face close to my neck and sinks his teeth into me. I finally manage to let out a blood curdling scream at the pain.

My body takes control of itself and thrashes around in his grip. But he's just too strong for me. My arms swing around and try to hit Edward in the face or remove his arms, but nothing works. I clutch the arm that he has around my throat with all my might, clawing at it with both my fingers and nails. His teeth are still in my neck, causing me excruciating pain as I feel the rush of blood begin to leave my body.

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