12 | three strikes and you're out

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Today is the day, the day I'm scheduled to go on my first date with Edward Cullen. And I have to say, I'm both super nervous and really excited. He's taking me to play baseball with his family, which is going to be fun, I hope. I used to play softball when I was younger, so I have some familiarity with the sport since softball is basically the same as baseball, just with a bigger ball. However, the only thing I'm not really looking forward to is seeing Rosalie again. I can only hope that over time she's gotten somewhat used to the idea of me and Edward being together.

I'm currently sitting at the dining table, tapping my foot with anticipation on the floor. I'm wearing jeans and a long-sleeved shirt with a small jacket over it. The news forecast predicted a possible thunderstorm today, so I'm hoping that it won't ruin our date plans. Edward is a vampire, so a thunderstorm probably won't bother him much, but I'm a human, so thunderstorms can be a bit dangerous for me, especially since we're gonna be outside.

My grandparents are also downstairs. Grandma is at the sink washing dishes while Grandpa is reading a newspaper a few seats away from me at the dining table. The latest updates on the Forks' animal attacks are covering the front page.

"What time is Edward supposed to come pick you up?" Grandma asks, picking up another plate to clean.

"Any moment now," I sigh, clasping my hands together on the table and stretching.

Ding Dong.

That would be the doorbell. I go to answer it. Edward stands before me, smiling down at me.

"Come on in." I smile back. He follows me into the kitchen.

I shuffle awkwardly as my grandparents turn their attention to Edward. I notice Grandma's reaction to him immediately. She sends a smug smile my way. My eyes widen, and I shake my head quickly for her to stop. I know what she's thinking. He's handsome and cute. I really did get lucky with Edward.

"Mr. and Mrs. Flint," Edward addresses. "I want to formally introduce myself. I'm Edward Cullen."

"It's nice to meet you, Edward," Grandpa says. He puts down his newspaper and stands to his feet. He walks over to us and stretches his hand out for Edward to shake.

A minnie panic attack runs through me when I realize that Edward is going to have to touch Grandpa's hand. There's no way that Grandpa is not going to think that something is up when he feels how cold Edward's hand is.

Before I can stop him, Edward takes Grandpa's hand and shakes it. Much to my relief, I realize that Edward is wearing gloves, so Grandpa can't feel his skin. Phew, that was a close one.

Grandma puts a plate that she was cleaning down on the rack before making her way over to us.

"Edward," she hums, "it's so nice to meet you."

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