8 | revelation

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Author's Note: Within this chapter there are music videos. They are for you to play, so the mood can be set. I recommend listening to them before you read what comes after them, or, you can listen to them while you read, whichever you prefer. Anyway, enjoy!


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My eyes flutter open, but I can't see anything but darkness. I'm laying back in bed comfortably. My eyelids grow heavy when I get the sudden feeling that I'm being watched. I react immediately by pushing myself upright with my hands.

And there, in the corner of my bedroom again, is the dark outline of Edward Cullen. This time I'm so sure that it's really him that I lunge for my bedside lamp. My fingers brush against the on-switch, when I stop myself short. A flash back to last time hits me. If I turn the lamp on, the Edward shadow might disappear. This time, I don't want that to happen. I want him to be real. I want this to be real.

I quickly pull my hand back and turn back around. Relief travels through me at the sight of Edward's shadow still there. A new urge suddenly comes over me. I look down at what I'm wearing. I'm in a semi-revealing play suit with nothing but underwear on underneath. Instead of feeling embarrassed, I feel . . . sexy. Dang, I'm sexy. I've never felt such confidence before in my life.

I take another look at the dark outline of Edward in the corner of my bedroom. Whether it really is him or not, I don't know. I do know though that I've always had one guilty question about him playing in the back of my mind . . . what do his lips taste like? Those deliciously full, plump red lips of his. At this moment, I've never wanted to know something more in my life.

I release a heavy breath of air. Without even thinking, I crawl forward on my knees. I extend my arm out, reaching with my fingers towards the collar of Edward's shirt. When my hand grips onto the cloth of his shirt, a rush of adrenaline runs through me.

He really is here. This is real. Now, since he is here, I want him. I want the feeling of his soft lips on mine. With my mind swooning, I tug Edward down by the collar of his shirt. He doesn't fight me.

I place my hands around his neck, smashing my lips onto his. From there, I lose the dominance, and Edward takes control. He leans far over me as our lips mold together. His overwhelming body above mine forces me to lean backwards until my back is against the bed, and my head is on a pillow. He has his hands against the mattress to stabilize himself.

My mind is in a frenzy as our tongues dance. Edward's mouth is sure and determined. He hungrily kisses me. One of his hands finds where my butt meets my waist, his fingers drifting along the outside of my thigh. His hand skims higher along my thigh, until I see stars and shiver . . .

I wake up with a start. I had shivered so violently in my sleep that I woke myself up. A guilty blush coats my cheeks. I can't believe that I dreamed about making out with Edward, in my bedroom, with only a play suit and underwear on of all things. I shake my head and grin. I can't seem to ever have a normal dream when Edward is in it. Let's face it, in reality, I would never actually do such a thing. I've never even been kissed before!

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