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A flash of lightning cuts through the air, illuminating the whole baseball field and the forest surrounding us. An intense roar of thunder follows it, making my heart shudder. In that one mere moment of extra lighting, I got a good look at the three vampires standing before us.

The woman has long, curly, brilliant orange hair that reminds me of fire. She possesses a seductive, almost feline beauty. A white, feathery shawl is wrapped around her shoulders. I didn't think any vampire could be more intimidating than Rosalie, but this red-headed woman terrifies me.

The next is a man with dark skin and dreadlocks that run down to his shoulders. He also possesses a mustache. He's showing off a muscular torso through his open jacket.

Finally, the last is a man with long blond hair tied behind his neck in a ponytail. He's wearing dark jeans and a dark leather jacket as well.

They are all barefoot and have blood red eyes that indicate their diet is made up primarily of human blood. This realization frightens me to the core.

Another flash of lightning strikes before the dark-skinned vampire makes a move. He holds up the baseball that I had hit into the woods. I get scared for a second that he might have been able to pick up my scent from the ball, but he doesn't make it known if he did.

"I believe this belongs to you," he says. He tosses the ball to Carlisle who catches it with ease.

"Thank you," Carlisle says, keeping his cool. All the Cullens are acting completely natural in order to hide my identity as a human. It appears that I'm the only one having trouble remaining calm. I can't stop my heart from beating erratically in my chest.

A terrifying thought then occurs to me. Vampires have excellent hearing. Sooner or later, they're gonna pick up on the sound of my heart thudding. I begin to panic. No, no, there's nothing I can do about my heartbeat. I'm a sitting duck.

That's when I spot movement out of the corner of my eye. It's Edward's foot. He's tapping it to a steady beat, the same rhythm that my heart is beating at. Edward is a genius. He's using the tapping sound of his foot to mask the sound of my heart beating. He must have realized that something needed to be done about my heartbeat before I did.

"I am Laurent," the dark-skinned vampire introduces. He nods to the red-headed woman. "And this is Victoria." The named red-headed woman eyes us up. "And James," Laurent finishes. The blond vampire named James tilts his head as if to scrutinize us.

"I'm Carlisle," Carlisle introduces. He gestures with his head to the rest of the Cullens and me. "This is my family."

"Hello," Laurent greets. I find Laurent's tone ominous. I don't think he can be trusted at all.

Carlisle speaks up again. "I'm afraid your hunting activities have caused something of a mess for us," Carlisle informs the three vampires.

"Our apologies," Laurent says. "We didn't realize the territory had been claimed."

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