Nightmares. Colle x Seer(Fluff)

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Seer's POV:

After quite some time, me and Colle have been getting a lot of weight on our shoulders from all the stress happening around here. I keep telling myself that itll all be alright, but on the other side Colle isnt taking it too lightly. Hes been having terrible nightmares about the same thing for the past 2 weeks, causing him to not get the amount of sleep hes supposed to be getting every night.

To be honest with you, I've been worried sick for him. I've been hearing him struggling to sleep and getting up alot at night to either go for a walk or just so sit around and do some other things. I know hes asleep now 'cause its 01:47AM now, I just really hope hes okay..

Colle's POV:

"Worthless. Youre WORTHLESS. It's kind of pathetic that you still think people still care about you. Why dont i just destroy you right here and now? its not like anyone would really notice yourre gone.." Dread steve Spoke as he looked at me with disgust. I've been having the same drea- well.. nightmare.. for the past 2 weeks. I've relived it so many times yet im still scared. i fear that his words are true. I looked up at him and was about to speak before, like always, he pushed me down to the ground and pulled out a sharp, iron sword. He was about to swing the sword at me before all of the sudden I woke up. I woke up with cold sweat running down my forhead, and drops of tears slowly spilling out my eyes.

3RD person POV:

After a long minute of tossing and turning, Colle had finally decided to head to Seers room. He stood up from the bed and walked over to the door, The red steve was then met with a mid-length hallway. Colle slowly walked down the hallway, still tired from the lack of sleep. He made his way towards a door and knocked on it 3 times before waiting, there was a short moment of scilence before some faint footsteps could be heard from behind the door.
The spruce door slowly opened and out of it peaked a blue hair steve, Seer.

"Colle..? What are you doing at this time...? Its literally..- 2AM..?-" Seer asked the red steve in a tired voice. Colle turned red before explaining himself. "I- I... U-Uhm..I.." Colle stuttered and turn a slightly darker red than he already was, "I- I had a bad d-dream.. abo-out the.. thin-g agai-again...." He was able to mutter out quietly. The red steve mainly expecting to get laughed at by Seer, but to his shock, the door instead opened wider and cold hand grabbed his and he got pulled into the room.

"My bed isnt too big.. so if you want i can sleep on the floor, you take the bed." The blue steve said, still tired but slowly becoming more awake. "What? I cant do that..! it's your room, and I'm the one who started this problem." Colle whisper yelled at Seer. The 2 steves kept going back and forth in a slight argument, until Colle got an idea. "You know what..? why dont we both just share the bed. im way too tired for this." The red steve suggested, Seer turned a slight red colour, but agreed anyways. The 2 steves went over to the bed and got under the covers, it was a one person bed so it was quite awkward between them.

~•°A couple min timeskip°•~

Colle was facing towards the wall while Seer was looking up at the ceiling, deep in thought.
omgomgomgomgomgomg..- this bed is so small and its making us be so close together..- maybe when im sure hes asleep i'll sleep on the floor? I mean like-- Seer was cut out of his train of thoughts when he suddenly felt something wrap around him and cuddled into his shoulder. He looked over to see his red friend calmly laying with his head leaning on his shoulder, at this point Seer has turned into an Red steve. The blue haired steve tried to move out of the shorters grip without waking him up, but it only tightened to the point where Seer just gave up on trying.

A couple minutes later, Seer was starting to slowly fall asleep when he suddenly felt light shaking by his side, Colle was having another nightmare. Said steve started to squirm a little bit as well as starting to sleep talk "Seer... im-im sorry.. please dont.. dont leave m-me.. im sorry.. p-plea-please.."

The taller started to panic not knowing what to do, they began to hug the red steve under them tightly, trying to get him to calm down. "Shh.. Dont worry, everything okay.. Im not mad at you, nobody is.." Seer spoke quietly, comforting Colle. Said red steve began to stop shaking, calming down from the words the blue haired said. Seer looked down at the Red steve as they slept peacefully. Without thinking, the Blue steve moved down and lightly kissed Colle on the top of his head. Realising what he had done just now, he began to blush. He blushed even harder when he found out Colle was a light sleeper as he woke up from the sudden touch. Said steve looked at the taller, a slight blush danced along his face. Seer expected to recieve a grossed out look from the shorter, but instead he got a warm smile, and surprisingly, a kiss back.

After a minute of the kiss that felt like a lifetime, the 2 steves pulled away from eachother. They smiled at one another and cuddled into themselfs. "I love you, Colle." The blue haired said.

"I love you too, Seer."


Some nice CollexSeer fluff 🥱🤞 hope yall enjoyed this story :] have a good night/day!<3

Word count: 1005

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