The Potion - FavreMyOrange (sorta smut??)

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This is based on when Sabre and Orange Steve(Orange) went to the violet village and kept being offered love potions in Rainbow Quest

This is basically a version of where Orange ends up actually taking the potion

TW: Slight smut =v='

3rdPerson POV:

"Come on sheep please just take the dye already!" Sabre yelled in frustration. Orange and Sabre were on a mission to create the hero and to do that they needed all of the colored crystals, luckily for them, the Violet crystal was the last one they needed. To get to the Violet village the had to give a pink sheep some pink dye, though it was harder than they both initially thought. "Sabre stop yelling at the sheep! Here, let me do it." Orange steve said as they snatched the pink dye from the brunette. They cautiously walked over to the sheep with their hand reached out to give it the dye. The pink sheep looked at the Orange steve and then at the dye, before finally accepting it and slowly walking away. "See, that's how you do it! though what on earth is it doing now..-" Orange spoke before they suddenly got interrupted by a spam of lightning, Sabre and Orange just stood there in disbelief. "I'm sorry, but DID THAT SHEEP JUST TURN INTO A PORTAL?!?" Sabre yelled as he put his hands to his face. "I think so.. and I'm pretty sure we are about to go through its mouth as well...." Orange said, standing still, confused. "Okay, okay, whatever. lets just get going before this portal closes on us." The brunette said, still in disbelief.

The 2 friends walked through the portal which caused a lot of lightning. Once the lightning stopped they realised that they were surrounded by a group of Violet Steves with welcoming smiles on their faces. "I think we made it, Orange!" Saber said with a now excited cheer in his voice, "I guess we did, its very.. colourful, to say the least." Orange agreed while nodding their head. "Ah, well hello Sabre and Orange Steve, I've been expecting you to show up! Welcome to our beautiful village!" A voice called from behind the crowd. A bright pink Steve walked up to the 2 with a large, welcoming smile on his face, "Oh, Hello! I'm assuming you're the leader of this village? How are you, yes my names Sab- wait you already knew?" Sabre said as he turned to face the crowned Steve, "Indeed I am, and you don't need to worry about how I know you're name." Said steve responded. "Well I'm guessing since you were already expecting us that you know why we are here, correct?" Sabre said, sort of downed about the fact he couldn't do a proper introduction. The Leader chuckled a bit before answering the blindfolded player, "That i am, but before anything else, would you like a tour of our amazing village?" "That would be nice! what do you think, Sabre?" Orange asked the brunette, "Sounds like a fun idea, where do we start then?" Sabre nodded, excited to actually be welcomed into a new village after what happened with the green Steve's. "Well then, lets start at the Market!" Leader said in a cheery voice, making a hand movement for everyone to follow along.

"And over here is one of our favorite stands!" The crowned steve spoke as he showed Sabre and Orange the stand. "Hello sir! would you care for a refreshing drink?" The Steve behind the counter asked the Ginger, holding up a bottle of what looks like a Pink Potion. "OoOh! Don't mind if i do!" Orange steve called out, reaching for the Potion which was easily handed to him. The Violet steve gave the Leader a smirk before saying something to the Orange steve. "Since you're new to our village, you may have this bottle for free!" said Steve told the Ginger. Orange put the bottle into his pocket for later since he didn't really need a drink at the moment.

~•°Time Skip- Back at Rainbow Hub°•~

Sabres POV:

"You know, That was really fun! we should go and visit another time if we ever have time." I said smiling at my Orange friend, our relationship is fun and all but im sad that their still taller than me, usually im the tallest. "Fair point, I also still have this cool drink that the Villager gave me!" Orange said, taking out what looks like a Pink Potion, not sure why, but i had a weird feeling about it. "Hey uh.. Orange? Can i see that drink really quick?" I asked them, trying to see if my suspicion was correct, They nodded and handed me the drink, I looked at what it was labelled and.. "Orange steve, This is a love potion!" i called out, confused on why they had this as a drink. "Oh. I'm surprised I didn't see that, anyways can i have it back? i wanna see how it tastes." They said. I just stared at them in confusion. "Orange steve, buddy, i just said this is a love potion. Who knows what will happen to you once you drink it!" I protested. "Yeah, and thats why i want to taste it, to see what will happen!" Orange spoke.

Me and them were having a back and forth argument, until they suddenly reached over and took the potion from me, before I could take it back they opened the bottle and drank it halfway. I just stood there in shock. I thought everything was fine, until Orange slowly looked up, with what seemed like a crazed smirk on his face.

3rdPerson POV:

"O-Orange steve..? You good buddy..?" Sabre spoke, slowly backing up to the wall of the house they stood in. The Orange steve began to slowly walk over to the player, Sabre, kept walking backward until he felt himself get pushed to the wall. He squirmed to the feeling of a hand on his waist, slowly turning red by the touch, another hand went up to his chin to hold his head still, Before said player could do anything, his eyes widened to the feeling of the orange Steves lips on his. Sabre slowly melted into the kiss before it was broken for a gasp of air. Instead of another kiss on his face, he felt it on his neck. The feeling of the deep breaths on his shoulder and the kissing and sucking on his neck. Sabre let out small whimpers of pleasure by each touch, until he felt a warm feeling strike through his whole body. The pleasure was like no other, he couldn't hold it in anymore. the brunette let out a loud moan to the touch the Orange Steve was giving him, Said steve smirked into Sabre's neck and quietly spoke. "Found it."

Orange began to suck on the Shorter's neck, causing the brunette to moan out again. Music to my ears.. the Ginger thought. They stopped sucking on to Sabre's neck and pulled away to see the love marks he had planted on the players upper body, causing Sabre to whimper from the loss of touch. "Now everybody will know you're mine." Orange whispered into the Sabre's ear, at this point Sabre's face was as red as a red Steves. although Orange was proud with the view they had created, They wanted more. Orange took the Player by his waist and pulled him closer to themselves, again kissing him. Said player got caught off-guard by the action, causing him to surprisingly moan quite loudly into the kiss. Orange bit down on the Shorter's bottom lip, waiting to be let inside, Sabre quickly let Orange in and they began exploring every inch of his mouth. Sabre kept making small whimper noises into the kiss before Orange pulled away, causing a strand of saliva to disconnect from their mouths. Orange smirked lightly before shutting their eyes and slowly opening them again.

"Mugh.. what.. happened..?" Orange spoke, holding their head with one hand from the ache. It took them a moment to realise what was happening, and when they finally saw what they have done they went bright red. "Omg Sabre..! I am so so so so sorry! I have no idea what got over me I swe-" before They could finish their sentence, they felts a pair of arms wrap around their chest. "Orange steve, calm down. its fine. I actually kind of.. liked.. i-it.." The shorter spoke, causing said steve to go ever redder. "Y-you di-did..?-" He stuttered out. "Well I mean.. there's still half of the potion left?"



IT FELT SO WEIRD WRITING THIS 😭😭 I like the ship and i had this type of idea so i wrote abt it- hopefully you guys liked it 🥲 have a good day/night!<3

Word Count: 1480

Edit: why does this have so much more reads than the rest of the chapters... you simps.
Get a hold of yourself omg 😟

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