" 'Sorry' isnt enough." Seer and Colle Angst.

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Emo story😔 Full story in 3rd Peson POV cuz its easier. Short, cuz I need to post something.



The hooded figures eyes widened, anger slowly building up. "Seer.. this isn't you. Please, snap out of it!" Colle yelled at the figure turned away from him, slight tears pricking his eyes. "Seer, is long gone now, and its Void that has taken his place." Void said as he turned to face the red steve behind him, eyes glowing red in the newly found power.

A smug grin grew on his face as he slowly looked down to the ground, staring at his hands. "My new form, this power, these new abilities.. they can do so much, Colle. Don't you understand? I'm more powerful than EVER BEFORE! Don't you want the best for me? Your bestfriend?" Void spoke in a manipulative tone as he crept towards Colle. "Of course I was the best for my bestfriend. I love him very dearly. But at this moment in time..."

"It's not you."

That was it. The thing that Void feared most was being left by Colle, and it just became a reality. Small Tears forming in his eyes. "Colle, you don't understand. I did this for you, to protect you, to finally make a peaceful place for us to be in. I-i'm sorry Colle I-"  Void tried to speak up, only to get cut off by Colle.

" 'Sorry.' is not gonna cut it, Seer." He began.
" 'Sorry.' ISNT going to bring back any of the people you destroyed. You become this.. Identity, you destroy half of my kingdoms people, you destroyed genesis, and..- just..- THIS, Isn't protecting me, Seer. This is HURTING me. There were people that were close and very dear to me, who still had a whole life to live, and you just took them and scrapped them away as if it was NOTHING. I can't believe you. Please leave, Seer, don't show you're face around here until you've fixed all the problems that YOU'VE caused." Colle finished. Finally letting go of the built up tears.

Void was basically on his knees. His partner, his friend, his BESTfriend, finally let go. The sentence "This is hurting me." Looping repeatedly in his head, almost driving him crazy. Colle wiped his tears on the sleeve of his brown jacket, facing away from Seer, slowly walking away. "Until we meet again, Seer." Was the last sentence he spoke before pulling out his iron sword and teleporting away, leaving Seer broken down, heartbroken on his knees.

"Until we meet again."



Sad chapterr D:

I'm sorry I haven't been posting to much, I've been having a rlly difficult time at school and needed to deal with some issues. But I'm back now! So I'll try to update on this book and the other book more, maybe even publish a new one if I'm not lazy!
I hope you have a great night/day!

Words: 498.

•~Bee signs off~•

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