"You're safe now." Nightmare x V!Sabre (Father son)

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Thank you CreativeBean36 for suggesting this story :) this isn't exactly a ship story, it's more of a Father-son relationship story. Enjoy :]! Sorry I changed up the request a bit but I hope that's okay :]

Slight TW//Cursing/swearing

AU: Villain!Sabre, Steve Saga.

(This is where Sabre first became the V!Sabre)

3rd Person POV

It was a calm day throughout the Rainbow Town. There were no Evil steves attacking, all the fugitive steves were outside playing about by the Steve Temple, it was overall just a nice day. Light, blue, and Ghost Steve were all by the Steve temple playing a game of tag, that suddenly got intrupted by lightning coming from the Rainbow House.

"What the FUCK are you on about?!" Rainbow Steve yelled, setting off lighting around him as the anger in his voice raged. "We can't just go out and fight a literal GOD compared to US?! ALL I can bearly do is summon small balls of water and summon lightning. And you expect to fight him like this?!" He yelled again at the brunette across from him. "Why does everything always have to go YOUR way?! First off, you didn't even let me finish my idea, because you cut me off. And second off all, just because you're the so called "Hero" doesn't mean that you control everything. You're just like me. Just a tiny fragment of this world that seems important but actually has no use." Sabre then spit out, flying his arms around to make his point more important and dramatic.

He could feel his bandana soak up a bit due to the tears his eyes were dropping, it hurt him to argue with his bestfriend. Rainbow turned around walking to the door with tears pricking his eyes. He stopped before opening his mouth to speak. "If you want to, go ahead. Go fight nightmare. But if you lose, don't come back crying to me. I couldn't care less anymore." As he finished his sentence, he turned around one last time. With visible tears pouring down his face, but still a blunt stare towards Sabre. Then he walked out the door, and left.

Sabre just stood there, in shock of what just happend. He was trying to do good, to help him and his bestfriend get rid of the biggest problem standing in their way of having a good life. If it wasn't for Nightmare Steve, This fight wouldn't have happend.

~•°Time skip, that night.°•~

Sabre's POV:

It's already 2AM, I can't sleep and Rainbow still hasn't come home. I'm worried that he won't come home and just left me to take care of all these steves, leaving me powerless. I got back into bed after getting a glass of water, laying down on my side facing the wall. I'm tired but I can't get what happend off my mind. It hurts me that it even happend but it did. I start tearing up, hoping to finally get the happy ending I want, but it always get worst. With Dark Steve, shadow Steve, and now Nightmare Steve. I just want this to end.

I finally got tired from the crying and was about to fall asleep, until I heard a door creak open downstairs. I sat back up thinking it was Rainbow steve, I was getting ready to apologise for what I said earlier. I saw the door of the bedroom slowly open revealing the person I least expected. Nightmare Steve.

3rdPerson POV:

Nightmare entered the room, a nervous look on his face. "Uhmm..?! What are YOU doing here?!" Sabre yelled with a creaky voice from the crying as he got up from the bed and took out an iron sword. The sword however had no reaction from nightmare. "Hey hey, calm down. I just want to talk to you." He said trying to calm the non-steve down, but it only caused him to get a confused look. "Listen, I'm not here to attack you. I may or may not have been spying on you while you and Rainbow Steve were having the argument, and I just want to make a deal." Nightmare spoke again, slowly lowering his arms back down, Sabre doing the same. "Okay.. well, if its so important for you to have to break into my house to say it, go on." The brunette said with hesitance in his voice while he cautiously put the sword away.

"You know, what you said earlier was infact true. You're a small fragment of this Realm that seems important but is useless. But I was thinking, what if you join me? With the power that I could give you, you and me could make the most powerful team in the whole of the Steve Realm. We could rule over it all together, equal power for the both of us. You could have anything you want. Anything." Nightmare said with a grin on his face. Sabre was shocked at the question, but at second thought, he liked the idea of power. The idea of having anything he could ever want, need, and desire. The idea of being the one who ruled over the rest. He loved the idea.

"I'm in."


I've been walking through this forest for a while, and I do regret talking like that to Sabre. I wish things just went differently for us to have a better time. All these Evil Steves have been getting in our was of doing anything we would have fun doing. I miss the times where we could just go on adventures, meet new steves, explore new places, and just have time to ourselfs. I want to apologise to him but at this point it's too much for me to deal with. I know I am supposed to be the so called "Hero", but Sabres right. All I can do is summon small balls of water and summon lightning. That's all that I exactly know of at the moment. I'm basically useless to everybody in this Realm.

Sabres POV:

Me and Nightmare have teleported to his Dimension, The Nightmare Dimension. "Haven't seen this place in a while, not too good of memorys being here." I said, looking around. "Well then Sabre, how about we make some good memorys while being here instead now?" Nightmare spoke as we walked over to an obsidian Palace on the top of a small hill. Many figures in dark armor guarding the enterence and watch towers. We walked over to the front enterance, getting greeted by the Guards bowing their heads down to the Nightmare King.

"I haven't seen this before, have you been hiding out here while me and Rainbow were back in the overworld?" I asked while walking behind Nightmare, staying close to not get split up or get lost. "Indeed it is. I've made this after you somehow found my last one, but this one is was more guarded as you can see." He said with a grin.

We finally made it to a room with the door decorated in vines and flowers. "What is this, King?" I asked curiously inspecting the door. "This is where you'll be staying, you'll be living with me from now on." Nightmare said as he looked down at me with a warm smile I never thought I'd see. He slowly motioned his hand suggesting for me to open the door.

I did as so and was surprised to see a nicely decorated room, with a dark green forest theme. It had a window to overlook the whole outside of the kingdom, a dark oak desk sitting underneath it. The bed was a grayish-green colour with a map of the whole dimension above it. On the shelfs was many chests and books, the different chests containing; notebooks, spare lanterns, a full set of enchanted weapons, enchanted/normal golden apples, potions, Basically anything you would need.

3rdPerson POV:

"This was all set up for me? Did you know I would end up joining you?" Sabre asked with slight disappointment but amazed at the room. Nightmare shrugged before responding, "Yes, this was set up for you. No I didn't know you'd actually join me, but I had this ready just incase." Sabre sighed at the response before yawning, he haven't had a good sleep in a while. "Are you tired? You can go to rest, I'll wake you up when it's time for lunch." Nightmare said before picking up Sabre bridal style and placing him onto the bed. "I might get some shut eye for a while, I am pretty tired to be honest."  The non-steve spoke  before getting into a comfortable position.

"Okay then, I'll be downstairs on the first door to the left in the kitchen if you need me. Rest well Sabre." Nightmare said before walking off towards the door, closing it before walking away.

"Don't worry, Sabre. you're safe now."



Thanks for reading to the end :] Sorry if this was a bit rushed, I've been pretty busy and tried to get this published ASAP.
I hope you enjoyed the story and have a great night/day <3!

Edit: Also, would you guys like a part 2? Comment if so :)

Words: 1539.

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