Trouble was something Y/N L/N your everyday young man learned to stay out of. So when he was summoned to another dimension to battle It out with servants, Y/N knew his luck ran out.
...Or did It?
[>>>Disclaimer: I don't own anything I write excep...
Rapidly opening his eyes, Y/N instantly inhaled for air. His lugs hurt. His whole body hurts...
But... instead of air, the only thing that greeted him was freezing cold water, burning its way Into his ears, mouth, and nostrils.
Y/N:" Mmmmm!?!"
Panic quickly set In. An overwhelming sense of dread was shortly next.
Snapping his eyes open again, Y/N found himself surrounded by endless blue water. The only light source, is a tiny sphere of light that dances above him.
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(Where Y/N Is At)
Suddenly feeling something/someone breathing down his back, Y/N Immediately shut his eyes closed. His flight-or-fight, ordering him to fly, fly far away! His own soul doesn't want to be here!
His mind was not even questioning the wonders of breathing underwater or how freezing cold it is.
No...His mind slaughtered those simple thoughts. Those thoughts are absolutely nothing to his much more profound and darker thoughts.
Y/N:' RunStayawayRunStayawayRunStayaway...'
He's a simple person. A very simple one. So why does he have to deal with Cosmic Horrors? Gods so ancient that even Death is scared of them?!?
He's not some fearless Anime Protagonist who can look Death In the eye and give them the bird! He's very much afraid of them!
Unknown Voice:" Asleep and yet still so feared..."
Breaking Y/N out of his thoughts, was a charming British young man's voice.
Feeling a slender hand pat his shoulder, Y/N flinched.
Unknown Voice:" Young one, you did well at not looking at my Greatnephew. He can be unsettling to look at sometimes."
Unknown Voice:" Come, let us leave. Greatnephew still possesses many dreams to dream."
Letting the slender hand, pull him along, Y/N's mind worked on overdrive. He wanted to run and never look back.... But it seems Fate has other plans for him. Very unnerving plans, If he may add.