Chapter Two

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Danielle's POV
Grass Ain't Greener

One word. FUCK!

I wanted to hate myself for it but something in me was rejoicing. I felt butterflies in my stomach, goosebumps in my skin and my heart was beating out my chest. I know it sounds cliché and shit but really, seeing Molly for the first time in a long time made me feel like a love sick puppy. Of course though I didn't let her know, I couldn't. If I did I would have complicated everything even more, not to say it already wasn't cause it was. I took her inside that closet, I kissed her first, I fucked her and I enjoy every second of it. I made the first move and I shouldn't have but I did.

Leaving her in that closet and pretending I didn't care hurt. I felt like I was using her but really, this all began as a secret game so shouldn't it end as one? She was married, I would be too in a few days. Was I happy? I was okay. To be honest, things never were the same after Molly. I fantasised about her, I found myself missing her and as much as I hate to admit I think I might still have feelings for her too.

I despise myself for doing this to Stella. For waking up every morning next to her but wishing I was waking up next to somebody else. For keeping such a huge secret from her when she's always been honest with me. For saving part of my heart for another woman who's practically married. She doesn't deserve it and I don't deserve her.

Speaking of Stella, I walked inside our bedroom and found her standing in the middle of the room watching herself in a full length mirror. She looked so gorgeous in nothing but a thong that I gawked at her, dumbfounded, the sudden urge to fuck her tripling second after second. I was still horny from my quickie with Molly.

"Do you think I'm fat," she asked, making me jump out of my skin cause I hadn't realised that she'd noticed me explicitly fucking her with my eyes.

I walked forward, only about ten feet and hugged her from behind. We looked picture perfect.

"No you not."

"I think I'm really flabby," she pouted, touching her abdomen. I couldn't help but laugh.

"It's not funny Danielle," she gave me puppy dog eyes through the mirror and my heart couldn't help but melt at how breathtaking she was.

"You're not fat," I said, pulling her closer to me so that her ass was glued to my pelvis, "You're so beautiful."

"I was looking for you."

"Really," I nibbled on her neck, making her release a light moan.

"Where were you?"


She pulled away from me for a bit but I pulled her back, tenderly leaving light kisses on her neck. For a while she succumbed to the feelings that were threating to take over her body but then again she spoke, "Out where Danielle? I needed you."

"For what?," I only decided to answer the latter.

"The bridesmaids arrived, all six of them."

Bridesmaids. Only one of them crossed my mind.

"That's the only reason you needed me?," I whispered in her ear and her body tensed a bit as it occurred to her what I was talking about. I kissed her nape, slowly making my way to the side of her neck. She sucked in a breath and held it for a couple of seconds before letting it out sounding shaky.

Her voice was sultry, tenderly making love to my ears, "Danielle - - -"

"Mmhhmm," I hummed back in response, finally turning her round so she could face me. Right then, her lips fell on mine. She hungrily devoured them and I groaned in pleasure.

We had a battle of the tongues and I came out superior, gently pushing her back until she landed on the bed with a soft thud. My eyes took in her body, she must have been delusional cause in my eyes she looked sexy as fuck and I wanted to taste every bit of her. I lowered myself onto her, my lips once again enveloping hers. For a second, Molly's face flashed in my mind as I kissed Stella and I swear I heard Molly moan in that moment. But, I came back to reality, focusing on the one woman who was mine.

"Go down on me," Stella let out in a heavy breath, breaking the kiss and I smirked knowing how crazy she could get when I did that.

Without a word, my lips slowly but precisely traced the skin of her neck. Goosebumps flooded the area. I further went down, kissing every inch of her until I finally arrived at my destination. Her vagina was wet, extremely wet. Feeling overly proud of the effect I had on her, I licked her once, my tongue flat on her core and she tensed her bit; letting out a well deserved moan. I licked her for the second time and she got louder, her hands clenching the bed sheets.

"Look at me," I groaned inside her, staring deeply at her half closed eyes. In my eyes I saw her, I saw Molly and in that instance I needed to please her.

Without losing eye contact I kissed her wet core, tasting the juices coming out. I gently nibbled on her inner lips, teasing her a bit. She was already breathing heavily and deep inside I knew with just a few flicks of my tongue and a little penetration I would bring her out of her high. That's how she loved to be ate.

Without wasting any more time, my tongue latched on her vagina and I ate her like my life depended on it. She threw her head back, arching her back and pushing her core deeper in my mouth. My tongue performed wonders, licking, constantly, in the pace she loved the most. There was not a single doubt that I, right then, was awarding her with heaven cause she went from moaning to almost literally screaming. I went to her clit, being tender here whilst licking the fuck out of her, I thrust a finger inside her vagina and made her coil in pure ecstasy.

I licked her in sync to my thrusts, tasting the delicacy of her juices as there constantly came out. Fuck, she tasted so good. A couple of minutes into it and I knew she was gonna come. I kept the pace and patiently waited as she twisted and turned, at one point closing in her thighs and almost crushing my face inside her pussy. It only took a few minutes after that and she let go, literally screaming at that moment. I kissed her core, slowly, making my way up to taste her mouth. She rode her high and I held her close to me as she did, assuring her that I was there, and I always would be.

"Damn," she spoke after a while, "That was good."

Her hands fell on my tshirt and she tugged on it. I knew she wanted it off, she wanted me naked. I sat up, took my tshirt off and as quick as I could, took off my jeans and underwear too.

"Wanna do it again?," I whispered, biting my lower lip. I loved the feeling she gave me when she took in my nakedness. At that moment it was euphoric. I laid on the bed next to her again after she nodded in response. Slowly she got up and got ontop of me.

"I hope you don't mind me returning the favour," her sly expression told it all alright.

Not at all baby, do me dirty!

I responded in my head cause her lips had already held mine captive. Guess we were doing this all night!


Authors Note

Hey homies!

So I realised that I had left this chapter half way. Silly me lol but here it is again, finally finished!

Publishing more chapters later today!

Enjoy reading ♥️🦋

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