Chapter Seven

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Molly's POV

"Where were you?," I asked as soon as she walked inside the room. She gave me a blank stare before her eyes fell on both the cigarette I was smoking and the vodka I had been drinking. I got up, crushed the cigarette and threw it in the ash tray. I hadn't smoked in months and I hadn't seen the look on Liz's face in months either so I knew something was up. She didn't answer me, instead, she put her phone down and began to undress. I pondered a bit on what to do until finally, I staggered towards her, catching a whiff of a scent from her that I knew for sure wasn't hers.

"Where were you?," I tried to ask again, attempting to help her take off her t-shirt but she stopped me. Again, I was ignored. I have to admit I was hurt. I didn't know why she was acting the way she was and I didn't know if I was the reason behind it. But, I possibly was.

"Liz ---"

"Isn't it obvious that I'm not in the mood for you Molly," she stated matter-of-factly. It wasn't just the look she gave me that cut through my heart in that moment, it was also her tone and just how she said what she said so easily. And the worst part of it was that she didn't seem to care whether or not I was affected by it.

She shimmied out of her jeans, grabbed a towel and tied it round her waist. It seemed pretty obvious that she wanted to get away from me and take her bath but I wasn't going to let her talk to me like that and get away with it.

"Why do you smell like that?"

With an eye roll, she answered, "Like what?"

"Like someone else."

"That's a stupid question."

"Liz answer me."

"If I asked you why you smelt like sex last night when we didn't fuck would you answer me?" I was so taken aback by her question that I just froze, "Exactly what I thought."

She bumped my shoulder and went past me towards the bathroom and I stayed stuck where I had been standing. Her words played in my head like a broken record. Was it possible that she'd been the person who saw Danielle and I fucking last night? My mind almost exploded at that thought. I stayed stuck in one spot, if Liz confronted me again would I come clean? Was I supposed to just tell her the truth and hope to God she wouldn't murder me or worse murder Danielle too. What the fuck was I saying, Liz wasn't a murderer. Heck, I wasn't a cheater too but look where we are, anything is bloody possible!

"You changed."

l slightly jumped at the sound of her voice. She stood by the bathroom door, seeming quite amused by my reaction. I gathered myself, cussing for acting guilty regardless of the fact that I was. She didn't look like she'd taken a shower, or she had and I couldn't notice. Who takes a shower that fast anyways?

"What do you mean I changed?"

She approached me, eyes steady on mine, "You know what I'm talking about Molly. Ever since we got married you changed."

"We both changed Liz."

"I changed for the better, can't say the same about you can I?"

"What the fuck Liz," I got close to her. Yes I had changed obviously but I wasn't about to admit that to her. I couldn't let myself do that. Her skin was wet, so she had taken a shower or maybe she'd just stood there for a minute and let the water wash away the scent that didn't belong to her.

"No for real though, actually what the hell are we even here for, we don't know these people."

I rolled my eyes, "Danielle was at our wedding."

"Danielle. The same ass person who was drunk as fuck on our wedding day and spoke nonsense."

"You didn't just say that."

"Molly," her eyes left mine for a while and when she looked at me I knew something was coming so I braced myself for it, "Molly, you and Danielle, there's something going on between you two."

"Liz - - -"

Her voice was so soft that I barely caught it when she said, "I know, Stella does too."

"What are you talking about?"

"You're close and I'm jealous, I'm sure Stella is too. I just want this wedding to be over with so I can have you all to myself again."

She was lying. She knew. Fuck. But I had to let it go because if she wasn't going to talk about it then I was not going to make her. Her avoiding the truth helped the both of us so I attempted to bring something else up.

"That still doesn't explain the reason why you weren't smelling like yourself."

"You think I cheated on you," she snorted, "We not the same you know."

"Am I cheating on you?"

"I don't know Molly, are you?"

She knew. I just could tell from the way her eyes fell on mine. I had to tell her the truth, but what if I was wrong? What if telling her ruined everything. I took in a deep breath, whatever I was about to say would affect everyone. I was tired of lying though, I was tired of being in love with Danielle whilst I was married to Liz. Maybe if I told Liz she would ruin Danielle's wedding and I would have Danielle all to myself. No more Stella, no more Liz, no more drama, just me and Danielle. Yes I know it's messed up for me to say that but I wanted Danielle, I wasn't done with her yet.

"No," I whispered, nervous as hell, "I'm not cheating on you Liz. I would never."

Okay. There. I lied. I had to. But I knew she knew. She let out a broken sigh, avoided my gaze as she responded with an inaudible okay and bumped my shoulder as she passed. I wanted so bad to say something, to convince her I was telling the truth. But how do you convince someone who knows you're lying that you're telling the truth. I let it go, I let her be and hoped to God that the fact that she knew wouldn't be the start of a war that can never be contained.

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