Chapter Three

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Molly's POV
Bad At Love

She was avoiding me and I knew it. Was I wrong for seeking her attention, for hurting because she was inlove with someone else and getting married. Why am I even asking a stupid question, yes it was insane and selfish of me to even think about her. I sat ontop of the bed and stared into space. Four months ago I tasted a sin I would gladly give into again. I knew I was married and I loved Liz with my whole being. Okay maybe I'm taking it way too far but I did love her, partly, and meeting Danielle ruined that. Things never were the same after her but it seems to her everything was just as it was. Her life was alright without me, she didn't need me right?

And maybe I had to stop myself from needing her. I mean I had Liz and she'd changed over the last couple of months. She put me first, sex was great, our marriage was amazing, honestly I had everything I wanted. Well, except Danielle. I couldn't figure out what it is about her that I was so drawn to. I was literally addicted to someone who didn't give a flying fuck about me and that was beginning to fuck me up. I needed a cure and I needed it soon.

"Earth to Molly," Liz giggled, bringing me out of my daze. She stood infront of me in sweatpants and a t-shirt and I couldn't help but notice how hot she looked. Her smile suddenly made my core throb, I obviously was still a bit horny from my sex session with Danielle so it didn't help that Liz looked fuck-able at the moment.

"Where did you come from," I asked cause she wasn't around when I walked inside the room. She jumped right next to me on the bed and lay on her side facing mine.

"I was outside taking a walk and sightseeing, this place is fabulous," her excitement rubbed off on me even though I hadn't seen the place yet.

"You like it?"

"I love it."

"Too bad you won't be staying for long," I let out a little laugh. Liz gave me a pretend sad look, she looked cute as hell.

Acting as if she was about to cry, she spoke, "Give me a kiss."


Honestly, I would've jumped ontop of her and kissed her like my life depended on it but I wanted to play with her a bit, see how far I would go.

"So that I don't become sadder."

I playfully rolled my eyes, moving forward to where she was. She held me by the waist and stared right straight in my eyes. I could see deep within those grey orbs that she wanted me and that made me hornier.

"Are you gonna kiss me or - - -"

I didn't let her finish. My lips fell right onto hers and she was taken aback but she kissed me right back. Something had triggered me to quit my first idea of wanting to play and that was the sound of what I assumed was Danielle groaning in pleasure followed by a moan I assumed was Stella's. Their room was right next to ours and I don't know how that had happened.

Liz took over the kiss, not wasting time, she tugged onto my skimpy night dress and nearly ripped it off. She was hungry for me and I was too, for her. Her fingertips traced my thighs and I sucked in a breath. Impatient and in need of her to reach my core and give me what I wanted. Her teeth tugged onto my lower lip and she gently bit it, making me let out another moan for the nth time.

After what felt like ages when in actual fact it was only a while, her fingers touched my wetness. She pulled down my underwear, and I helped her out, struggling a bit since we were doing it in a hurry. She parted my lips and began to rub me. I almost cried from pure pleasure. The more pressure she put, the more I wanted her inside me. I was about to ask her to fuck me already when she thrust into me, deep, curling her fingers and touching my inner walls. The sensation caused me to scream, digging my finger nails into her back and scratching the hell out of it. She dug her tongue into my mouth, kissing me hard as she continuously thrust into me. I felt weak to her touch, my knees trembled and I broke away from her kiss, throwing my head back and going insane.

She knew what she was doing alright. I curled my feet, moaning so loud as she continued with her hard thrusts. And, that's when it happened. I saw her, I saw Danielle. In that moment my whole body tensed and the pleasure I felt intensified. In my head Danielle was the one fucking me, in my head Danielle was Liz and Liz was Danielle. I couldn't help but get lost in that thought. It pushed me to my peak. It made my juices gush out, insanely wetting Liz's whole hand. She continued thrusting, making me lose all of my self control.

"Oh god, Liz!," I screamed, lifting my butt up in sync to her thrusts. I wanted more, I wanted so much more.

"Fuck me harder Liz. Please."

It's a miracle I never said Danielle cause she was the only person lying at the back of my mind. Liz once again embraced my mouth with hers. Right after that I felt her put more fingers inside me, filling my pussy with all five of them. I sucked in a breath, biting her lower lip a bit and getting lost in the feels. She pushed her hand inside me and I felt her hit my g-spot, again managing to get me to reach my highest peak and I let go, drowning her hand in my cum. She moaned inside my mouth and I moaned in hers, highly satisfied. Liz had outdone herself. Outstandingly.

Or was it cause I had Danielle on my mind the whole time?

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