Part 1: Too Far

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The Bad Guys walked into the jail, the police occasionally shoving them.
The Eastern brown snake glared at the gray wolf in front of him. "Way to go, Wolf!" he hissed. "You blew it! You blew the plan!" The cop shoving him grabbed his throat, forcing everything he ever swallowed to come up, including an alarm clock.

Mr. Wolf took off his shirt and put an orange one on. "For once, we were more than criminals." He smiled, putting both paws to his chest. "They loved us!"

Mr. Shark, Ms. Tarantula (aka "Webs"), and Mr. Piranha looked at Wolf.
"We'll always be bad guys, Wolf." Mr. Snake's tongue flicked in and out of his mouth.

Mr. Wolf's ears went down as he thought of the love the public gave him when he was at the party. His tail started wagging. "Maybe I don't want to be a-"
Mr. Snake cut him off. "What? A bad guy?"

Mr. Snake saw his best friend's tail wagging and he narrowed his eyes. "No! No! NO!" Suddenly the brown serpent launched himself at the wolf. Mr. Snake wrapped his coils around Wolf and he tried to get his footing. Mr. Snake choked his friend, Mr. Wolf desperately trying to get him off.

"Stop this!" Four officers tried to break up the two animals.
Mr. Wolf grabbed Mr. Snake and punched him in the throat.
"We'll always be bad guys!" Mr. Snake opened his jaws and lunged at him.

A loud whimper filled the air...

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