Part 6: Not Gonna Die

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Author's note: Hey guys, I am so sorry for the wait. I had life get in the way of story writing, animating, and all that jazz.

Mr. Snake slithered around the room of their hideout and looked around. Wolf still hadn't woken up. He growled. "Gah! This is hopeless!" He used his tail and threw an expensive painting at the wall. "There's got to be a way! Wolf has to wake up soon!"

"Well, well, well," a voice said. Mr. Snake turned and saw Professor Marmalade standing at the entrance. "Look who it is."
Snake narrowed his eyes, fury in his heart. "You!"

Mr. Snake opened his jaws and flung himself at the guinea pig. "Cuddles!" Before Snake could do anything he got tackled to the ground and felt something being put over his mouth.
Snake hissed, his tongue flicking in and out. "You betrayed us!"

Marmalade wagged his finger. "Now now, Snake. Let's not be rude. After all, how are you going to save Wolf with an attitude like that?"
The serpent glared at his food for a few heartbeats then raised an eyebrow. "What?"

Marmalade looked at him. "Huh? Oh yeah, that's funny, 'cause I thought I mentioned..." He pulled a vile filled with pink liquid out of his coat pocket. It had a picture of a snake on it.
"Is that...?" Snake gasped in disbelief.
"Snake anti-venom."

Snake lunged forward trying to grab the vile. "Give me it!"
Marmalade pulled back keeping the anti-venom out of reach. "Na ah! I need you to help me with something first."

Snake felt his heart shatter into a million pieces. The cure for Wolf was there, right in front of him! Yet he was powerless with his jaws clamped shut and being pinned down. If I agree to help Marmalade, would I get the cure to help Wolf? But if I don't get the anti-venom, Wolf might die!

"What's it gonna be, Mr. Snake?" Marmalade starred him down.
Snake took a deep breath and sighed. "What do you want?"

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