Part 4: News

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Mr. Snake slithered along the sidewalk, people scattering at the sight of him. He sighed and looked at the bank. "For once we were more than criminals. They loved us!" Mr. Wolf's voice played in his head.

"Snake!" Mr. Shark ran to catch up with him.
Mr. Snake looked back at his friend. "What?"
"What happened?"
"Nothing," the reptile snapped. "Nothing happened."

Mr. Snake turned and slithered away. He climbed into a pipe and slithered up. Soon emerging at the top of a building, he went to the edge. The moon started to chase away the sun as Snake gazed at the cars below.

Snake sighed. "If only I could go back in time..." He watched some police cars drive by and shook his head. We'll always be bad guys... Mr. Snake was about to go back to the hospital but a vibration caught his attention.

Pulling his phone out of his shirt pocket with his tail, he pushed the answer button with his nose. "Hello?" he asked, putting the phone to his head.
"Snake...?" It was Piranha.
"Mr. Piranha? Why are you...?" Snake heard faint sniffles on the other end.

"It's Wolf... He's..."
Mr. Snake screamed into his phone. "Wolf's what? He's what!?"
"... He's dying..."

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