Part 2: Too Late to Apologize

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Mr. Wolf fell to the ground and Mr. Snake released his grip on his eye. Still feeling rage within him, Mr. Snake glared at the wolf. "Get up!" he hissed. Wolf didn't move. "I said get up!"

Ms. Tarantula covered her mouth, Mr. Shark covered his eyes, and Mr. Piranha just stared wide-eyed. While Mr. Snake and Mr. Wolf were fighting someone had took out the police. This someone happened to be the governor, Diane. "Wolf! Get up!" Mr. Snake nudged his friend's limp paw.

"Sorry I didn't get here sooner. I..." Diane trailed off seeing Wolf's limp body. "Wolf?" She ran to him and Mr. Snake moved out of the way. Diane checked his breathing and turned his head over to reveal two red dots just above and below his eye. Diane turned to Mr. Snake. "You bit him!?"

"I... I'm sorry! I didn't think that..."
"No, you didn't think, Snake!" Ms. Tarantula cut him off.

Diane looked at Mr. Shark. "Shark, I need you to carry Wolf! We might be able to save him before the venom spreads!"

Mr. Shark gently picked up Mr. Wolf and the crew followed Diane to her boat. Mr. Snake curled up near the back of the boat as Shark put Wolf on one of the seats. Mr. Snake felt pain inside him and he tried to fight it. It's Wolf's fault... He started this. He betrayed us!

Mr. Snake couldn't bring himself to look at his friends. He stayed silent as Diane slowed the speedboat when they neared the shore.

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