Follow and Obey/one-shot

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Have some fluff :)

3rd POV:

sometimes night can be describe as cold, lonely or emptiness.
It is sometimes comforting
That you wanted to lie down on the soft grass floor.

And just stare to the night sky, or maybe past out. And have a peaceful sleep.

He would always do that, whenever he felt like he needed space from the big world, or maybe some distance away from people.

He felt empty.

He always have been, just before his mother past away leaving him and his,.. Dad.
All by themselves.

At first it wasn't that easy, as if he could just move on, on his mother's passing away. And act like it wasn't a biggie of a deal

He's father would have just be upset in two to three days, and he goes to his normal-stoick-face.
Like he hasn't lost anything, as if he just had a nap and forget about everything.

Sure, boboiboy would love to feel happy again, and adventure on his own. But as a prince of a very big kingdom. Isn't that easy as they thought.

He always have been stuck. Stuck on duties, stuck to his room, and stuck by his father's side. Worst, stuck and never got to get move on. It's year's.

A long long year, and it looks like his heart is still stuck, on where place where his, mother and him would just lie down on their garden and giggle can be heard, jokes and a happy warm atmosphere.

He never got to spend his time with his father, his father would always have his attention for duties, wars, kingdom, ally's, and every possible you thing you could imagine as work.

He never really cared at spending time or bonding, or mayeb he didn't really know rest.
He doesn't even care one bit to him,

He did once trip while running, he was playing to himself only since his father never really wanted a 'village boy' or some stranger's to play with him.

He trip, making a bruised on his knee same with his arm's.
Sat there for minutes, didn't budge to cry. Just some small tear of pain.

Until someone found him, silently crying.

He was taken to the medical or healing room. After the healers treated his wound.
His father never came to check up on his only son.

He waited patiently for his father to come, and sit beside him while he talks to him softly that everything's gonna be ok

But it never really was...


"Ughhh...! Why do i have to go to this, ceremony!" a groan of annoyance came out of the boys mouth.

The boy was not having the time of his life, knowing that this was the fifth time of the week they'll be attending a different kingdom, or he should say 'ceremony'

"Oh, come on now Prince! Cheer up!. You might know you met someone there that can Brighten up! Your day!" his maid Cheerfully said, popping the 'up' in the sentence. The maid then look at the prince
smiling at the prince sweetly.

The maid has been trying to cheer the prince up, since he was getting annoyed by this 'ceremony'
"It's not like it will really brighten up my day, it'll just make things worse!" the prince shout, raising his hands up in the air

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