Egyptian cats bring me lunch

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"Who are you?" I asked randomly seeing the 2 people and the cat.

Sadie and Carter Kanes were looking at the cat as if asking it something. Kids these days! Wait. I am a kid. 

The cat took a step forwards, as if it was scared of me, but it wanted to show some bravery. 

"Who are you?" Sadie asked. I pretended not to hear her, and looked only at the cat. A cat who is scared of me. To be honest, cats and water do not mix, but I haven't seen this type of reaction. 

Sadie took out her wand, which . . . was a bit more bend than it should have been? Carter gripped his hand on his waist. I held my wand, as if I might be attacked at any second. 

Wow. The tension. 

"Okay, so lets chill a bit. Who are you two people, what do you want, and if you are the type of people to bully others, you have picked the wrong guy." I said. 

Carter and Sadie looked at the cat. The cat kind of shook its head. Guess, it is not a surprise for me anymore. Seeing talking cats. 

Sadie Kane raised her wand, and muttered something in some language I had no freaking idea of. 

All I could see was darkness and darkness. Everything was black. 

Well, there were a lot of magic I encountered with. Godly magic, Hogwarts magic, Hecate-ish magic, Norsely magic. This was something new. 

"Well? Just cut the crap! What is this why am I here?" I asked to no one in particular. 

"Peter Johnson! We, sense the presence of a mythical being in you! So, there is no point of hiding anymore. You are defeated Apophis!" A hollow voice rang through the darkness never echoing again. 

"What the hell is Apophis? Who are you? Why am I here? Get me the fuck out of this place!" I shouted out loud. 

"Stop this act. Stop pretending like you don't know." The voice repeated. 



Current flew through my body, immobilizing me in the darkness. What kind of sorcery is this?

I needed to regain power over my brain. This is all an illusion. This has to be. With nothing left to do, I called upon my godly power and broke out of the darkness. But I was just back in a desert. Hot, dry, fucking desert. 

"What the actual hell?"

"Beast of the darkness, we call upon your secret name and curse you to devastation and a li-" I felt a need to cut that hollow gloomy voice now. 

"Just shut up. I am not your Apopees. I dunno who it is. I am just a student here. And if you don't stop this act right now, I am gonna straight out murder you." 

That brought be back to my senses. 

I was back to the Hogwarts base in front of the two Kanes and a fully grown woman with features like a cat. Where was the cat?

"You are not Apophis. But you have a godly presence. WHO ARE YOU?"  The woman asked that to me. 

 "How do you know about gods?" I asked them. I was just curious.

"Because young god, I am a goddess." The woman said. She then turned into a cat and back to a human figure. I remained expressionless. 

"Professor McGonagall can do just that too. You might be an Animagus which a cracked mind." I said. 

The cat woman raised her eyebrow unimpressively, and materialized 3 rings from the air. 

"Well, that can be done by magic too you know? We can summon everything except food, wands and a few specific things in the magic world." I said. 

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞'𝐬 𝐆𝐚𝐦𝐞 (A PJO and HP crossover)Where stories live. Discover now