Injured and Beaten

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Right, so this is gonna be somewhat of a long A/N. Its kind of a apology letter to all of you for not writing for so long. But in case you don't feel like reading through all these, please feel free to skip the bold parts. 

Soo, I'm gladder than anything to have so many followers and readers and everything. But I feel like I've been neglecting Wattpad for the later part of 2022, and till recently. I hate myself for it. The only connection that makes me open Wattpad at least once a day is my old followers and people who have supported me (maybe knowingly, maybe unknowingly, while plotting painful ways of torturing me 😉.) 

This is prolly gonna sound cringy and eh- idk. But, here's my thoughts laid out. For the last few days I've been going through my comment sections and been viewing the comments. That made me remember again how much I loved writing these. I mean I still remember and love the arguments I had at that times, even including the painful ways of torturing me (I mean like sheesh, chill down people. I still get those comments. Blows up my mind on how much u people know about torturing). Idk if many of my past followers are still here, but if your are still sticking with me, you have my sincerest gratitude. (eh ik, doesn't sound like me at all.)

So, with renewed heart and vigor, I am gonna come back to Wattpad. Try not to expect regular(technically, idk what's the regular) updates, but I'll try my best. 

Another small note: I'm gonna get back to the complete HP timeline in a couple of chapters. Cuz this story timeline and the HP timeline has been going different directions.

That's all. 

This chapter is dedicated to my readers. For all your love and support. 

Percy's POV:

I've been woken up in thousands of ways before, ranging between shouting near my ears and a dagger at my throat. However being levitated and then dropped back on the bed repeated times until I finally woke is a new addition. Unfortunately, That's what happened with me when I had fallen asleep in the hospital wing, and Artemis decided to play a prank. 

Soon, the memories of last night surfaced back. As soon as I rescued everyone from Oceanus' territory, I teleported them to the hospital wing, and then I had to perform a massive memory charm to modify the memories of the entire school. Took a lot out of me, and I eventually collapsed. Someone brought me to the hospital wing, and that's what happened. 

"Was that necessary?" I asked. 

"Yea, absolutely. Missing even one chance to annoy you is a negative point."

I shook my heads annoyed. "What happened while was out?" 

"Nothing much. Just that a couple of people came to visit you." 


"That red haired 3rd year girl and her friend, and Harry with his friends after they got healed."

"Right, and what are you even doing here?"

"I - uh, came to just pay a visit." 

"Right - never thought you cared, but ok sure. As you can see, I am at more or less the best of my health, so, you can go now. I will get to the classes today." I said. Artemis nodded and left. I tried to get up, but found it extremely hard to even move my leg. 

"Amn't I a freaking god? Why am I still not healed?" I asked to myself. I took out the extra pack of ambrosia that's always in my pocket. I consumed it quickly. It did some healing, but I still couldn't feel like walking. 

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞'𝐬 𝐆𝐚𝐦𝐞 (A PJO and HP crossover)Where stories live. Discover now