We are not Alone

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Yo guys, so, this is the last chapter of the book. In case your still trying to understand whether Percy really is dead - YES! FINALLY! PERCY DIED! No, kidding, I am not happy that Percy's dead. I'm really sad.

And after this chapter, I'm no more gonna write expect for a couple of bonus chapters. I'm gonna retire from this amateur Profession of mine which I've come to love a lot. It's been a lovely time for me writing and making stuff for you guys to love and enjoy. But after this, I guess writing is no longer for me to do. Imma leave it to the future generation. I will be back to reading books on Wattpad.

So, this series ended up being a trilogy finally. Nice. So, without further ado- I present to you the final chapter of The Prince's Game. 


Harry's P.O.V.: 

Another day of pain started as I was led to the Great Hall by Ron and Hermione. Dumbledore was going to address all the students of Hogwarts, the invited students from Beaxbutons, and Durmstrang, and everyone else about the events of the night before yesterday. It's been 2 days since Peter died. 

I took a seat between Hermione and Ron. I looked throughout the hall and found Krum, and Diana sitting among their respective school friends. Krum looked grim like always without the usual gleam in his eyes. It was like he lost something he liked. Everyone heard about the Imperius curse which was put on Krum in the maze. 

I also noticed Diana. Her eyes seemed puffy, like she had been crying. She kept her head low, sipping from her goblet which probably contained nothing now. Ron had told me that Peter and Diana apparently had something going on. 

I remembered the events of the night of the the third task after I got out of the maze. Immediately the music restarted and people started crowding and cheering, without any idea of what happened inside. 

Dumbledore was the first to sense that something was wrong, and rushed over. 

"Where are the others?" He asked. 

"They - they died!" 

"Peter and Diana died. Voldemort killed them." I felt myself sob after that. 

After about an hour, when we found out about Crouch Jr. being a death eater, and all those stuff, we were all surprised to see Diana Phoebe suddenly materializing in front of us in front of the maze. She looked in an extremely bad state like she had faced her worst nightmare. She was bleeding red throughout her body from her face to feet. (mist) She couldn't form coherent statements for the next 2 hours, until she finally spoke the 2 words, 'He died.' 

We were all patched up and sent in the hospital wing. Later next morning Dumbledore called in just me Diana to his office. He asked about everything that happened. I told about the events till I got out of there. Diana continued after that. She said about Peter and her being left behind to fight about 30 death eaters and Voldemort himself. The two of them dueled against the band of dark wizards. It was tough but they managed to hold their ground for a long time, even killed a few death eaters, and maimed some, until they had to give in. After that somehow Diana got out of there being magically teleported to Hogwarts ground, but not before seeing Peter die. 

After that Dumbledore asked me to leave, and spoke with Artemis only. I left but before leaving, I caught two words 'Army' and 'huge'. I didn't know what to make of them and so I left. 

"Hey Harry!" Hermione nudged me bringing me back to the current time. 

"Yes?" I asked her. 

"Dumbledore's starting his speech." She said. I turned my attention to Dumbledore.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞'𝐬 𝐆𝐚𝐦𝐞 (A PJO and HP crossover)Where stories live. Discover now