"Be careful bambina!"

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Pov Maya
I wake up by the sounds of someone singing in the kitchen. I look next to me and see Carina looking at me, so it must be Andy who is up this early with this much energy. "Were you just staring at me all this time?" I ask Carina, still half sleeping. "Yeah" she answers and gives me a kiss on the forehead. I smile and take my phone to see what time it is. When I see it's already 7am I jump out of bed. "Couldn't you wake me up earlier?" I ask while looking at Carina who is laying in bed unbothered. "Well you are up now, aren't you?" Carina says. "Yeah thanks to Andy and 30 min late" I tell her while im changing my pyjamas to my uniform. "You're the captain" Carina tells me like I don't know that. "Exactly" I answer and dissapeare in the bathroom.
A few minutes later I appear in the kitchen where I see Andy making breakfast. "I really have no idea how you do it" I tell Andy. "Do what? Cook?" Andy laughs knowing that I can't cook. "Ha Ha" I laugh sarcasticly. "No just the energy you have this early in the morning" I say while I gasp. "It's because of this wonder smoothie" she tells me while handing the smoothie over to me. "Omg don't tell me Robert learned you how to make smoothies?" I laugh while looking at the smoothie Andy just gave to me. "Duh and I love it, try it! It's very healthy!" Andy says and stares at me while I take a sip from the smoothie. "Mhmm ur right, it is good!" I tell her and drink the rest of the smoothie.
Carina joins us in the kitchen still in her pyjamas. "Don't you need to work today?" I look at her concerned that she could be sick. "Nope im free" she answers me with a smile on her face. "Ah lucky you!" I smile back at her and give her a kiss. "See you tonight love" I tell her and step into direction of the door. "Be careful bambina" she tells me everytime I leave the house. "I will!" I shout back and get in Andy her car.
I look at Andy driving and say "you are really right, this smoothie do gives you a lot of energy!" Andy says "duh im always right" and yup I could have guessed that answer.
After 20 min we arrive at the station, not knowing what the day is gonna bring today...

Yeah the chapters will be short sorry :)

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