Chapter 7

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The Song on playing is called Gold Forever For Tom By The Wanted, if you don't know The Wanted is a British-Irish Boy (Man) band with singers Max George, Siva Kanewaran, Jay McGuiness, Nathan Sykes, and Tom Parker, Tom Lost his battle with a brain Tumour in March 2022 at age 33 leaving behind his soulmate and wife and 2 kids, a 2-year-old daughter and a 1-year-old son, This version of the song is available for download anywhere you get your songs, and all proceeds go to The Brain Tumour Charity. My friend Stevie was diagnosed with a Brain Tumour back at the end of 2019, He was only given a 30 percent chance to survive, and he did, today he is tumour free, but still has to go for MRIs every month to make sure it's not coming back, he's also has a high risk of strokes and seizure now. Stevie was lucky, most people who get diagnosed with brain tumours don't normally survive past year-3 years, Anyways on with the story.

When I woke up it was to my brothers' loud snores. I was still tired but I couldn't sleep with the noise, like seriously it sounds like a freight train is in the room, ugh, I tried to cover my ears with the pillow, but that didn't work, I would have gone to my own room, but I was stuck in my brothers' hold. So I did the next best thing, I grabbed my pillow and placed it over Will's face, not hold it there, I don't want to kill him, just make him shut up, I then grabbed another pillow that was near me, and placed it over Phil's face. Finally some peace and quiet. I grabbed yet another pillow, why do we have so many pillows in here (A/N: I never made a fort, how many pillows do you use?) and used that to lay my head on, I slowly fell back asleep.
~~~~ Time Skip~~~~
I was woken up a few hours later by pillows hitting my face, how rude. "Morning, sunshine care to explain why we had pillows on our faces?" asked Phil looking a little peeved. "You two sound like a freight train when you snore"
"You little brat, we do not snore, if anything Will does" "Hey I resent that" I started giggling "Well both of yous snore loud enough to wake the dead, so it must be an annoying twin thing or an annoying big brother thing." with that I quickly fled the room and into my room, locking the door behind me, so no one could come in while I'm showering, not that it could do much with Jer, because he has keys for all the room in the house, you know for emergencies, at least that's what he told me when I asked why he had so many keys. I quickly stripped and placed my clothes in the laundry shoot, which goes directly into the laundry, we each have a hamper that catches our clothes for each bedroom. I walked into my bathroom, yes I have my own bathroom, being the only girl has its perks. My bathroom has dark red walls, black tile flooring, dark granite countertop with a double sink that looks like big red bowls. A walk-in glass shower, that has a shower head that changes the colour of the water (Okay not really but it has LED lighting that looks like it changes the water colour) built-in Bluetooth speaker, that can be paired up with my google that's in my room, or my phone, I also have a big jaucci tub along the other wall, and a small nook in the corner that holds the toilet, now don't think that my bathroom is the only amazing one in the house, we have four and a half bathrooms, and all but the half bath are almost all the same, the only difference is the colours and shower heads. I opened a cupboard that is near the bathroom door and pulled out a dark blue bath towel. While I was near the door I opened it a crack, "Hey google play The Wanted" I closed the door and started up the shower, letting it warm up before I jumped in, which only took a few seconds, I closed the door as the song Gold Forever started playing (A/N: RIP Tom Parker), When I was done my shower after singing to two other songs from them: Remember and Warzone, I left my bathroom leaving the exhaust fan on, to change into an old pair of blue jeans, a couple sizes too big blue top that reached close to my butt, and a gray zipped up hoodie, I grabbed one of my two hairbrushes, I have two one regular for when my hair is dry and the one I grabbed is a wide tooth hairbrush that has a special back that allows your hair to dry faster if you use a hairdryer for when my hair is wet, and reentered my bathroom, I gently brushed my hair, and left it down to air dry considering its long and thick, and I just hate using the blowdryer, I left the bathroom, deciding to brush my teeth after I eat breakfast, I don't want to have breakfast but I know that my brothers, manly Jer will force me to sit down and will hand feed me if I don't,
Jess dinner, I was home for the Christmas break, Eric didn't want me to come home, saying it would be better if I stayed at school to study without the distraction of the boys, but Mum put her foot down and said all her children were coming home for the holiday, and he had no say, and that I deserve two weeks to be a teen and not have to study, my grades won't suffer, I'm not hungry Mum, and went back to playing games on my phone, a short while later Charles entered my room, "Jess Mum says come eat or else" "I'm not hungry" "I guess its the or else" he very easily picks me up and threw me over his shoulders. After he got downstairs he placed me on a chair, I stood up, dodged him and ran out of the room, Aaron caught me in the living when he came downstairs and I found myself once again thrown over a shoulder and carried, I started hitting his back, This time instead of sitting me on a chair, he placed me on Jer's lap who held me on his lap with one hand and picked up a fork, "because you don't want to eat, I'll be feeding you like you're a little child again" Jer stated placing some potatoes on the fork and putting it near my mouth. I moved my face away " I'm not hungry and I'm not a little kid who needs to be hand-fed" I mumbled. "Jer if Jess doesn't want to eat don't force her, she'll eat when she's hungry" "no Mum, Jess has not eaten all day today and most of yesterday as well, besides you told Jess or else, This is the or else," Jer told Mum, I expected Mum to take my side like she does ninety-nine percent of the time, with me being the youngest and only girl, but one quick glance at her told me that she decided to side with Jer this time. "Jess eat your food on your own or cooperate with Jeremy, but you will not leave this table until at least half your plate has been eaten. "Fine" I spat back, I grabbed the fork out of Jer's hand, "Lose the attitude young lady before I punish you" Eric spoken around a mouthful of food in his fat face. "Yes sir" I bowed my head and slowly began to eat.
Flashback Over:
I shivered after that memory, not because it was a horrible one, but because it was one of the more pleasant ones. I made my way downstairs to the kitchen to eat a small apple.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2022 ⏰

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